Talisman Mining Ltd (ASX: TLM) has further strengthened its pipeline of high-potential exploration targets at the 100%-owned Lachlan Copper-Gold Project in NSW following receipt of final results from the recently completed project-wide geophysical surveys.

Despite the impact of wet weather delays, Talisman has been utilising the time to complete the geophysical processing and interpretation of the AEM survey flown in the first half of 2022 and to refine and integrate this with historical datasets to generate numerous high-priority targets.
Receipt of both the FALCON Airborne Gravity Gradiometry (AGG) survey data and the processed AEM survey marks the completion of Talisman’s regional-scale surveying.
Fieldwork has already commenced over high-priority areas, with the Company intending to include the strong AEM anomaly at the Kaolin Shaft Prospect as part of its next drilling campaign, scheduled to commence late in the September quarter.
The remaining targets are being systematically evaluated and ranked alongside Talisman’s pre-existing targets, with the results to be used to plan and guide future work.
The combined survey results provide Talisman with a significant step-change in the progression and understanding of geological targets across the Cobar Superbasin and delivers additional momentum towards making a significant discovery.
These positive geophysical results are a great outcome and demonstrate the exceptional quality of our extensive Central Lachlan project tenement portfolio,” CEO, Shaun Vokes, said.
“The large number of anomalies generated by our regional-scale geophysical surveys vindicates our investment in these techniques as a mechanism to vector directly to prospective areas below cover.
“The team is now working as quickly as possible to prioritise anomalies and generate a drilling work programme that will enable us to test systematically and effectively test the targets generated.
“We are proactively working with all of our stakeholders to make sure we can continue to progress exploration activity on our Lachlan copper-gold projects and progress the drilling of high-priority targets as quickly as possible, notwithstanding the almost constant inclement weather.
“Despite the frustrating weather-related access delays, the team has not wasted any time and has done a lot of work behind the scenes over the past 5-6 months to deliver an exceptional pipeline of drill-ready targets. “We are now excited to move ahead with the next phase, which will see us systematically drill test these targets over the coming months and hopefully deliver the eagerly awaited discovery that we have been working so hard to uncover.”
AEM Targets
AEM survey anomalies are potentially linked to concealed massive sulphide mineralisation akin to typical Cobar lode-style mineralisation. Talisman’s geophysical consultants, Southern Geoscience, have ranked all the anomalies by geophysical character, interpreted surrounding geology and any known mineralisation.
The anomalies have then been further developed by Talisman’s geologists, with the result that the best anomalies then converted into targets. This interpretation and analysis has identified over 20 anomalies that require further investigation.
AEM targets in the Kaolin Shaft (EL8680) area are scheduled for Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling late in the September quarter.
Preliminary exploration work, including geological mapping and regolith sampling on other high priority AEM anomalies, is currently underway to assist in prioritising these targets and preparing them for drill testing later in 2022 and into 2023.