Taruga Minerals Ltd (ASX:TAR) has confirmed a number of strong drill targets at the Birthday Ridge Copper Prospect, within the Mt Craig Copper Project (MCCP), South Australia, through recently returned reconnaissance sampling results and review of historical VTEM geophysical data.

Extensive sediment hosted copper mineralisation has been intercepted by historical drilling over two km of strike, with mineralisation remaining open along strike and downdip.
Adjacent to the sediment hosted copper mineralisation, to the west, outcropping volcanic breccias have returned high-grade rock chips up to 18.8% Cu, 0.1g/t Au and 16.8 g/t Ag and bullseye Cu-soils anomalies (max 750 ppm Cu).
These volcanic breccias are clearly mineralised and altered, have never been drilled, and are underlain by a strong coincident gravity and magnetic anomaly all of which are supported by discrete VTEM anomalies.
CEO, Thomas Line, said the company plans to systematically drill test both the sediment hosted copper mineralisation, and the never before drilled breccias in Q3 2021.
Birthday Ridge has all the hallmarks of a very strong drill target, with significant Cu-Ag-Au potential,” Mr Line said.
“We see strong potential for higher grades and significant footprint increase by using ‘Systems Thinking’ to systematically drill test this prospect.
“Historical drilling intercepted extensive sediment-hosted copper mineralisation over 2km of strike, and remains open along strike and downdip.
“The companies which completed this drilling drilled very shallow holes, many of which ended in copper mineralisation, and they rarely tested for gold and silver, however when they did anomalous results were returned.
“These companies were also not aware of the gravity, magnetic or VTEM anomalies which lurked along the peripheries of their focus area, which Taruga have identified from reprocessing and modelling of historical data.
“The obviously mineralised volcanic brecccias which outcrop adjacent the historical drilling area were clearly overlooked, and our recent geochem results have proven the potential of these breccias to host high-grade copper-silver and potentially gold mineralisation.
“We are looking forward to drilling Birthday Ridge, and potentially identifying an interconnected system by linking the mineralised volcanic breccias to the sediment hosted copper.”