Terrain Minerals Limited (ASX: TMX) has commenced drilling at its 100% owned Lort River rare earth elements (REE) project.

Lort River covers an area of 320 sq. km and is located within the heart of the Esperance REE province of Western Australia.
The proof-of-concept air core drilling campaign is being conducted along the road vergers and has been designed to test REE grades and thickness of the clay zones. Drilling is following up from the positive historic 1.0m deep auger sampling results over the road network at Lort River, exploration project.
- Raglan Drilling air-core rig has commenced drilling.
- Air-core programme ~10 hole for ~600m.
- Drilling will take three to four days to complete and samples results are expected in October 2023.
- Bulk sample material will be submitted for the MRIWA district study for analysis.
Commodities focused study:
Terrain is part of a study by The Minerals Research Institute of WA (MRIWA) project M10500: Characterisation of clay-hosted rare-earth element (REE) deposits in Western Australia.
The study is a part WA government and industry funded study which has nine WA exploration companies participating. The study is aimed at advancing the WA REE sector forward. Other Esperance based companies also participating include Mt Ridley Mines Ltd and MTM Critical Metals Ltd.
Once samples have been received back and analysed the market will be updated accordingly.
News Highlights: Given the large number of promising exploration targets across its current flagship projects ‘Smokebush’ and Lort River, and with Terrains commitment of fully testing all targets in a rapid, methodically, and systemically manner, the Board anticipates exciting and regular news flow throughout the rest of 2023 and beyond.