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Staff Writer

Tesoro Resources Limited’s (ASX: TSO) geophysical IP surveying at the El Zorro Gold Project in Chile has extended the known mineralised zones at the Ternera prospect and identified a range of new untested targets.

The trial geophysics programme consisting of a GAIP survey grid and three lines of DDIP surveying was completed over the Ternera and Drone Hill areas. Twenty-four lines of GAIP surveying using 50m spaced survey lines and 25m station spacing have been completed along NE- SW oriented survey lines, crossing the Ternera and Drone Hill gold prospects. Three lines of DDIP have been completed at 200m spacing using 50m station spacing to follow GAIP anomalies below the surface at Ternera.

Preliminary results from the IP survey have been correlated to existing drilling and indicate that IP surveying is effective in targeting potential high-grade gold bearing structures at El Zorro.

Managing Director, Zeff Reeves, said a significant, coincident GAIP and DDIP anomaly zone has been identified which directly correlates with high grade gold drilling results previously reported from Ternera, which are associated with pervasive pyrite and silica alteration.

Mr Reeves said an IP anomaly correlating to high-grade gold results strikes north to south, is approximately 1,000m long, and has been drill tested only along approximately 250m of strike of this IP anomaly.

The results of the IP survey are certainly exciting. We have already modelled the preliminary data in 3D as soon as it was received from the field, and compared it to our drilling, immediately noticing that some of our best drill results occur within a well-defined IP anomaly trend,” Mr Reeves said.

“The anomaly we have just delineated adds significant extensional targets to the high-grade Ternera gold zone. Preparation is underway to expand our current drill program to test these target extensions. Should those holes be successful, it will add a significant increase to the scale of the gold system, and we would view IP as a valuable exploration tool for defining additional drilling targets at El Zorro.”

Mr Reeves said preliminary results from the IP surveying at El Zorro has potentially extended the strike length of the high-grade gold zone to over one km of strike.

The company is preparing for immediate step-out drilling of new IP anomalies at Ternera, as well as initial drill testing of the Drone Hill anomaly.

Mr Reeves said the final IP data processing, modelling, interpretation and targeting is also ongoing, and the new drilling results will help to improve the outcomes of this study.

If the results from the upcoming step-out drilling to test these new IP anomalies at Ternera are positive, then further IP surveying will be planned to delineate additional gold targets at El Zorro.

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