Titan Minerals Limited (ASX: TTM) has obtained further promising assay results from surface channel sampling at the Dynasty Gold Project located in southern Ecuador.

The results include extensive channel sampling across new road cuts into the Cerro Verde Prospect, and from a combination of trench excavations and exposures within previously mined open pits.
Over 900m of channel sampling work has been completed by Titan, with assays received for 609m of channel sampling.
Results include:
- 11.52m @ 3.32g/t gold – CVC010;
- 0.56m @ 4.14g/t gold and, 6.66m @ 4.16g/t gold
- 7.38m @ 2.12g/t gold – CVC004
- 2.60m @ 11.2g/t gold and 6.66m @ 4.41g/t gold
- 6.32m @ 4.13g/t gold – CVC001
- 4.34m @ 3.83g/t gold – CVC007
The results add value to the Dynasty project in a number of ways. While most of the reported channels are proximal to previous sampling, this sampling activity is critical in working toward a JORC compliant resource that is inclusive of historical sampling completed to a JORC complaint standard and integrated datasets support confidence in lateral continuity of outcropping mineralised veins.
Over 900m of channel sampling work has been completed by Titan, with assays received for 609m of channel sampling. The results add value to the Dynasty project in a number of ways. While most of the reported channels are proximal to previous sampling, this sampling activity is critical in working toward a JORC compliant resource that is inclusive of historical sampling completed to a JORC complaint standard and integrated datasets support confidence in lateral continuity of outcropping mineralised veins. Also, reported sampling is extended into the wallrock where in the Cerro Verde prospect wider zones of mineralisation are being identified, additional narrow vein sets not previously modelled have been identified, and in several locations extended sampling has also defined strike extensions to some veins.
Further Channel sampling and trench activity will continue at Dynasty, along with surface mapping and updates to the project scale geology are anticipated with current work completed and in
Cerro Verde Prospect – Channel Sampling
The Cerro Verde Prospect hosts over 1.1Moz gold within the existing 2.1Moz gold foreign resource estimation (Canadian NI 43-101 compliant) for the Dynasty Gold Project.
Assay results have been received for 526m meters of channel sampling work in 10 continuous channels at Cerro Verde. In total, 893m of channel sampling has been completed in 21 channels at Cerro Verde, with results pending assay analysis on a further 11 channels.
Iguana and Papayal – Channel Sampling
Reported results include 16 surface channel samples from the Iguana prospect area with significant gold intercepts returned on all channel samples from excavated trenches. Results from 15 of 16 channels further confirm continuity of mineralised veins along 500m extent of the >2km long vein corridor where previously announced drill results from 20 diamond holes totalling 4,550m of drilling also confirm mineralisation within the corridor. In sample IGC001, the channel sample is a 1.5km step-out to the northeast along the mapped vein zone, returning 0.85m @ 6.17g/t gold in an area with multiple veins and no drill testing to date.
At Papayal, results for an initial 4 channel samples on the Sol vein have been received, with further trench and channel sampling activity at Papayal expected over the coming month.
For further information please visit: http://www.titanminerals.com.au/