Perth-based, Western Australian-focused gold explorer Torque Metals Limited (ASX:TOR) has unveiled its ongoing plans and updated details on its Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling campaign at Paris Gold Project located on the richly gold endowed Boulder-Lefroy Fault Zone, south east of Kalgoorlie.

The follow-up drilling has tested gold discoveries at the Observation and Strauss prospects and adjacent to existing open pits at Paris and HHH.
A total of 41 RC holes for 3,746 metres have so far been drilled across the four prospect. A total of 1,341 samples from the follow-up drilling have been despatched to the laboratory with assay results anticipated early next year.
Executive Chairman, Ian Finch, said the RC rig used for Phase 1 had ~100m capacity, while a second RC rig, with a larger depth capacity, is due to commence in late January 2022 to undertake further, deeper follow-up drilling to test the four prospects. Torque envisages a total of approximately 2,500 metres of RC drilling in the Phase 2 programme.
Torque has hardly rested the drill bit since listing in late June and is not about to stop, heading into 2022,” Mr Finch said.
“I look forward to keeping shareholders abreast of results from this follow-up RC campaign as they come to hand. In the meantime, a second RC rig will be on the ground at Paris to follow-up on deeper intersections at the Paris Mine Prospect in late January. It’s certainly an exciting time to be a Torque shareholder!”
Geochemical Survey
An auger based geochemical soil sampling program was conducted to the south of the Paris Pit over most of tenements M15/496 and M15/497 with a view to extending the Paris Gold Corridor southwards.
The survey also encompassed an “outlier” drill result at Paris South of 13m @ 3.3g/t Au from DHD425. Results from the geochemical study are anticipated early in 2022 with findings to further support the company’s drill targeting activities in the Boulder-Lefroy Fault Zone.
The Paris Project
Torque’s Paris Project lies within the area known as the Boulder-Lefroy Fault Zone. This prolific gold-bearing structure is host to numerous mines that have produced many millions of ounces of gold. Not least of these mines is the world famous “Super Pit” in Kalgoorlie.
Torque’s Paris Project area remains vastly underexplored, with past drilling generally restricted to the top 50 metres, highlighting significant opportunities for discovery of gold mineralisation by the application of modern-day exploration techniques and the undertaking of more extensive, and deeper, drilling.
Torque has undertaken a first phase drilling campaign at Paris with the objective of better defining the zones most likely to rapidly increase the project’s resource base.
The project has a previously reported existing 32,700oz JORC 2012 gold resource, most of which lies below and along strike from the existing HHH and Paris mines, however remains underdrilled, and a core focus for the company to undertake an extensive program of drilling to explore for potential extensions to the known mines.