Western Australian-focused gold explorer Torque Metals Limited (ASX:TOR) has identified 10 historical drill holes which have significant elevated and anomalous nickel values, further enhancing our view of the nickel prospectivity at Paris.

Uncovered following an extensive search of Torque’s database, the holes were drilled on, or adjacent to, a large positive magnetic anomaly (Domingo) located approximately 10km NNW from the recently defined Electro Magnetic (EM) anomalies (Melchior Anomalies). These large EM anomalies occur approximately two km west of the HHH/Caruso gold prospects at the company’s wholly-owned Paris Project within the richly endowed Boulder-Lefroy Fault Zone, south east of Kalgoorlie.
Executive Chairman Mr Ian Finch said these encouraging results demonstrate further potential for the discovery of nickel resources within the Paris Project area. The Melchior anomalies proximate to the HHH/Caruso gold prospects have already been identified as having potential to host Cassini-style nickel mineralisation.
Mincor Resources’ 100%-owned Cassini nickel project is a high-grade and large-scale underground nickel mine, hosting Mineral Resource of 1.5 million tonnes (Mt) at 4% nickel for 60,700t of contained nickel.
There is no better place to be exploring than Western Australia’s Boulder-Lefroy Fault Zone which continues to host large, economically significant mineral deposits,” Mr Finch said.
Since entering the region, Torque has had continued success building up gold resources within the interpreted Paris gold “corridor”. While our focus continues to be on discovering more gold, the nickel anomalies located within our wholly-owned tenure are significant, and demand further attention.
“Historical drilling and reprocessed EM results, combined with the recently completed AusAEM survey presents a series of compelling targets which can be followed up very quickly while continuing to develop our gold opportunities.
“The Domingo target is situated adjacent to a large east-west striking, dyke and has only been subjected to limited drilling over time.”
The drilling which was conducted at the magnetic target returned 10 holes containing shallow, anomalous levels of nickel, spanning 1,000m of strike length. Encouragingly, several of these abnormal nickel values contain over 0.5% nickel.
Historical drill intersections results include:
- 8m @ 0.85% Ni from 12m in hole DHD247;
- 8m @ 0.75% Ni from 8m in hole DHD246; and
- 6m@0.74%Nifrom4minholeDHD3