Twenty Seven Co. Limited (ASX: TSC) has had a promising start to its maiden RC drilling campaign recently undertaken at the Mt Dimer Mining Lease east of Kalgoorlie with multiple high-grade results gold hits.

CEO, Simon Phillips, said that based on the encouraging results – including up to 8.15 g/t gold & 26.9 g/t silver– for the first 10 drill-holes (out of 26 for 3,367m), the campaign’s main focus to extend known gold-silver mineralisation along strike and down dip was largely achieved.
The best intercepts from the assays received to date include:
- 7m @ 3.19 g/t gold & 14 g/t silver from 106m including 3m @ 6.5 g/t gold & 25.4 g/t silver from 106m;
- 1m @ 8.15g/t gold & 26.9g/t silver & 0.604% lead & 0.622% zinc from 84m;
- 4m m @ 2.22 g/t gold from 160tm; and;
- 1m @ 2.94 g/t gold & 5 g/t silver from 121m
These assays from the Mt Dimer Mining Lease are extremely encouraging. Moreover, they complement historical results and extend known mineralisation significantly, which underpins the potential for a maiden resource,” Mr Phillips said.
“The Board is optimistic the remaining assays and upcoming surface sampling campaign will build upon these encouraging results for the Mt Dimer Gold Project moving forward.”
Mr Phillips said the inaugural assays are very encouraging as there were multiple, shallow high-grade gold- silver intersections that were complementary to historical results from the 1990s which include:
- 22m @ 4.98g/t Au from 37m, including 10m @ 7.55g/t from 44m
- 19m @ 3.42g/t Au from 76m, including 4m @ 12.95g/t from 76m
- 8m @ 4.71g/t Au from 72m
- 7m @ 3.72g/t Au from 35m
- 7m @ 3.95g/t Au from 84m
- 6m @ 13.11g/t Au from 99m
- 5m @ 5.23g/t Au from 33m
- 7m @ 4.25g/t Au from 91m; including 5m @ 15.4g/t
- 3m @ 2.25g/t Au from 166m
- 2m @ 4.58g/t Au from 81m
Mr Phillips said the company’s immediate priority is analysing then reporting on the remaining assay results which are expected back from the laboratory shortly. Once these are received, then TSC’s geology team will commence work on modelling up a JORC compliant resource.
The next major exploration exercise, scheduled for April 2021, is a comprehensive soil sampling program over the adjacent exploration license to the west of the mining lease to identify any precious metal anomalisms.
Follow up work on Mt Dimer Mining Lease and the adjacent Exploration Lease is set to commence next week.