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Colin Hay

Turaco Gold (ASX: TCG) has confirmed an additional mineralised trend sub-parallel to the Woulo Woulo JORC Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 1.25Moz in in Cote d’Ivoire.

The new trend was identified in highly encouraging exploration results from shallow drilling testing a priority target known as the ‘Herman Mine’ located only 700 metres to the southwest of the Woulo Woulo deposit on the recently granted exploration permit.

The trend is identified by colonial-era historical mine workings along 300 metres of strike at the southern end of the trend which had been subject to some limited shallow drilling in the past

Turaco recently announced a maiden JORC Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for the Afema Project of 2.52Moz gold comprising the Woulo Woulo, Jonction and Anuiri deposits.

“These latest drill results confirm a large gold system at Woulo Woulo with mineralisation not just limited to the already substantial three kilometre strike that comprises the 1.25Moz resource estimate at Woulo Woulo but also parallel trends,”

Managing Director, Justin Tremain, said.

“Further drilling along this parallel trend known as ‘Herman’ is expected to delineate additional gold ounces for further growth at Woulo Woulo, along with the recently announced exceptional results from drilling along the main trend outside the 1.25Moz resource estimate.

“Two rigs continue to operate at Afema with exploration drilling now underway along the high priority Nianemlessa shear targeting a 10 kilometre trend of highly anomalous gold-in-soils supported by excellent trenching results and extensive local artisanal mining activity. We expect to further ramp up drilling activity given the end of the wet season in Cote d’Ivoire.”

These latest results follow on from seven historical drill holes completed by Teranga Gold in 2020 which had returned results of 6m @ 6.32g/t gold from 64m and 14m @ 1.45g/t gold from 87m.

An RC rig is now on site with exploration drilling underway on the Nianemlessa trend, both within the granted Afema mining permit and along trend to the south at the Affienou prospect within the adjoining recently granted exploration permit. Initial results are expected to be reported in the coming weeks.

Furthermore, a diamond drill rig has moved to the Jonction deposit (MRE of 660koz @ 2.0g/t gold) to undertake a programme of infill and shallow extensional drilling targeting shallow high-grade gold.

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