Venture Minerals Limited (ASX: VMS) has commenced a new drilling campaign at Mount Lindsay in Tasmania on a high priority Renison Style Tin Target delineated along strike to the high-grade Renison Bell Tin Mine (one of the world’s largest and highest grade tin mines).

The target is supported by a significant historic alluvial tin field and coincidental electromagnetic (EM), magnetic and geochemical anomalies.
The Mount Lindsay Project is already classified by the Australian Government as a Critical Minerals Project with an advanced Tin-Tungsten asset and has been further enhanced by the delineation of several high priority drill targets of the same style of mineralisation through the recently completed major EM Survey.
Managing Director, Andrew Radonjic, said Mount Lindsay is already one of the largest undeveloped tin projects in the world, containing in excess of 80,000 tonnes of tin metal and within the same mineralised body a globally significant tungsten resource containing 3,200,000 MTU (metric tonne unit) of WO3.
Tin is now recognised as a fundamental metal to the battery revolution and new technology and the International Tin Association is predicting a surge in demand driven by the lithium-ion battery market of up to 60,000tpa by 2030 (world tin consumption was 328,400t in 20203).
The Renison Style Target is a strong EM conductor supported at the surface by tin in soil anomalism and an alluvial Tin Field mined over 100 years ago, a coincidental magnetic anomaly, and is sitting within the same carbonate units and potentially the same fault zone (Federal-Basset Fault) that hosts the Renison Bell Tin Mine (one of the world’s largest and highest grade tin mines) only 12 km along strike to the southeast.
With record Tin Prices it’s a great time to be drilling our recently identified High Priority Tin Target along strike to Renison Bell, one of the world’s largest and highest-grade tin mines,” M Radonjic said.
“in is a critical EV Metal and the discovery of another tin deposit will only add to the highly credential Mount Lindsay Tin-Tungsten Project, which already contains one of the largest undeveloped tin deposits in the world. Mount Lindsay has the potential to become flagship asset for the company and once developed could supply responsibly sourced Tin to the EV revolution.”