Warriedar Resources (ASX: WA8) has commenced drilling at the Stone Hut prospect located on the Rothschild mining lease in Western Australia.

Stone Hut is part of the company’s Fields Find Project in the Murchison province of WA. The current RC programme is planned to drill 12 holes for approximately 2,300m.
The Stone Hut prospect is located immediately south-west of the Rothschild deposit. At Stone Hut there are several historical workings of pits and shallow shafts, though only very limited modern exploration has been undertaken, which is broadly limited to soil, rock chip sampling and shallow reconnaissance drilling.
Hole PRC40, drilled by a previous owner in 1990, returned 9m @ 5.21 g/t Au from 26m, demonstrating clear evidence of shallow, high tenor mineralisation.
The Stone Hut drill programme has been brought forward due to the excellent results from recent drilling at the Rothschild deposit. The programme is designed to test a number of geophysical targets that share similar characteristics to that seen at Rothschild.
Drilling at Rothschild confirmed mineralisation extends along strike, down dip and demonstrated the potential for multi-lode discoveries.
The Stone Hut prospect and Rothschild deposit are part of several prospects within a larger camp- scale gold play on the eastern side of the Fields Find Project.
The company continues to progress exploration at the Fields Find project and looks forward to progressing exploration within this exciting project.