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Staff Writer

Assays for the first 11 holes at Warriedar Resources Limited’s (ASX: WA8) Windinne Well (North) programme have extended a high-grade gold shoot for at least a further 150m with Phase 1 RC drilling at its Golden Range Project in Western Australia.

The company’s planned drilling at the Windinne Well and Austin deposits has been completed (35 holes in total), and the rig is now operating at Mugs Luck.

Drilling commenced at Windinne Well on 12 January 2023. An initial programme of 21 RC holes was completed at the deposit for a total of 4,697m.

The main objective of this drilling was testing for extensions of the deposit, particularly an existing high-grade shoot, both along strike (north and south) and at depth.

Assays have now been received for 11 of the drilled holes at Windinne Well, which represents all but one of the holes drilled to the north of the existing pit.

Key intercepts returned include: WORC055: 8m @ 2.27g/t from 235m; WORC055: 4m @ 2.56g/t from 250m; WORC056: 4m @ 5.17g/t from 52m; WORC050: 7m @ 1.58g/t from 156m; and WORC046: 5m @ 1.22g/t from 37m.

Critically, these initial results demonstrate the successful extension of the targeted high-grade shoot at Windinne Well North, which represents clear evidence of the latent, untapped primary gold potential at depth at the Golden Range Project – which was what Warriedar was initially attracted to, and is aggressively pursuing this year.

Multiple high-grade shoots were discovered historically at Windinne Well from north to south along the belt. The deepest historical intercepts returned were 8m @ 3.48g/t from 310m (WWDD039) and 8.9m @ 5.95g/t from 294m (WWDD038).

These high- grade shoots remain open at depth and extend for more than 700m along strike. Previous open pit mining ceased at only approximately 60m below surface.

Follow-up extensional and resource growth drilling at Windinne Well is planned for later this year in order to further test the depth potential of multiple high-grade shoots, plus an IP anomaly to the north and a parallel ‘repeat’ IP target to the east. Discovered gold mineralisation at Windinne Well corresponds well with an existing IP anomaly.

A second RC rig remains on schedule to be mobilised to site (staring at the Fields Find Project) in mid-March.

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