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Colin Hay

Westar Resources (ASX: WSR) has identified high-grade gold results from a detailed historic mining and exploration review covering the Mindoolah Mining Centre; part of the Mindoolah Gold Project in Western Australia.

“A thorough and methodical historical data compilation and review is ‘worth its weight in gold’ and I’m pleased to see this approach has uncovered exactly what we had hoped for: historic high-grade gold results from in and around old workings and shallow, modern-day open pits," CEO Jason Boladeras said.

"The review has shown that Mindoolah has the potential to host a high-grade gold system. We’re eager to see what the field crew will discover while mapping and sampling, which will be instrumental in shaping the first significant drill program since the 1980s.”

Historical Mining and Exploration Review

Following an extensive compilation of historical open-file reports and datasets covering the Mindoolah Mining Centre (‘MMC’), a detailed review highlighting areas of significance with potential for gold mineralisation is now complete. The review has identified numerous high-grade gold assay results from historical workings and drill programmes.

Underground and Surface Workings

Gold-rich quartz veins are reported to have been mined from numerous historic underground and minor small surface workings predominantly during the early 1900s and to a lesser extent around 1940, which are scattered throughout the MMC. The mined quartz veins varied from 10cm to 3m (average <1m) wide and up to 90m long, with average grades around 0.5-1oz/t Au (15.5-31.1g/t). Some underground workings were significant, consisting of multiple levels, shafts and stopes, with maximum depth 35m from surface. Due to the limitations of historic mining methods, the majority of underground workings terminated around the water table, but gold mineralisation still continued down-dip.


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