Wia Gold Limited (ASX: WIA) has obtained promising results from a further 16 reverse circulation (RC) drill holes completed at the Kokoseb Gold Deposit (Kokoseb) within its Damaran Gold Project in Namibia.
The reported results comprise:

- Ten holes (KRC098 to KRC107) of infill drilling within the Western Zone Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) (nine holes) and Northern Zone MRE (one hole).
- Five holes (KRC109 to KRC113) of step-out drilling up to 300m south of the existing Western Zone MRE boundary.
- One hole (KRC108) being a scout vertical hole located west of the Kokoseb main zones and targeting a geophysical anomaly.
The Kokoseb Gold Deposit continues to deliver excellent results. Infill drilling of the Western Zone, completed immediately post the maiden MRE cut-off date, has shown above expectation results including particularly strong coherence within the modelled higher-grade areas of the deposit,” Chairman, Andrew Pardey, said.
“This has led us to identify a high-grade plunging shoot within the Western Zone that we believe has a high likelihood of linkage with the exceptionally thick and high-grade extensional intercept recently reported from drilling beneath the Central Zone (KRC086: 37m at 9.46 g/t Au). Drilling of this interpreted high- grade shoot is planned to commence during Q3.
“Strike extension drilling to the south of the Western Zone has also delivered a substantial 300m extension of this zone at typical Kokoseb grades – with this extension remaining open and targeted for further testing. This type of latent growth potential is why Kokoseb is such an exciting discovery prospect.
“The predominant focus of current drilling at Kokoseb is further rapid MRE growth through proven strike extensions, delivered via step-out drilling into the Exploration Target1 areas.”
Ongoing programme
Step-out RC drilling is continuing at Kokoseb along strike from the existing MRE boundaries, currently focused on the northern trend. This drilling is testing in the area of the Exploration Target with the objective of continuing to rapidly grow the existing Kokoseb MRE.
Targeted drilling of the interpreted high-grade plunging shoot between the Western and Central Zones is expected to commence during the current quarter (Q3 CY2023).