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Staff Writer

Yandal Resources (ASX: YRL) has kicked off a 2,800m diamond drilling programme across the Ironstone Well–Barwidgee (IWB) Gold Project in Western Australia.

The diamond drilling programme aims to:

  • Systematically test for fresh rock mineralisation across the Oblique Prospect to better understand the potential scale of the mineralised system, with five diamond holes along 900m of strike.
  • Provide detailed information regarding the geometry of high-grade mineralisation at the Quarter Moon Prospect, which is critical for evaluating mineralisation potential.
  • Test the New England Granite's deformed and gold anomalous southern and eastern margin by drilling two deep diamond holes co-sponsored under the Western Australian Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) Exploration Incentive Scheme. This drilling will provide baseline data from which a larger detailed RC programme can be designed and provide valuable geological information to understand why these margins display strong gold anomalism.

“This diamond drilling programme represents a significant milestone in understanding the broader potential across three very promising exploration targets,” Managing Director, Tim Kennedy, said.

“The deeper holes testing fresh rock mineralisation across Oblique are of particular interest to the team, as they will underpin our efforts to understand the mineralisation potential of the Prospect.

“The diamond drilling at the New England Granite Prospect will prime the team with information from which a larger-scale RC program can be designed and executed.”

Mr Kennedy said the company is well-funded and focused on making significant gold discoveries on its portfolio of highly prospective 100% owned gold projects in the Yandal and Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belts in Western Australia.

With one diamond rig on site, drilling across the Oblique, Quarter Moon, and New England Granite Prospects will continue from late May to early July.

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