Zenith Minerals (ASX:ZNC) has received final 1m assay drill results confirming strong gold mineralisation at multiple prospects at the Split Rocks gold project in Western Australia.

The results from the second phase RC drilling programme (32 RC holes totalling 2,793m) at the Split Rocks support previously reported promise based on 4m composite assay results.
Zenith’s Split Rocks project is located within the Southern Cross region in the Forrestania greenstone belt, approximately halfway between Perth and Kalgoorlie. Several very large current and previously operated gold mines located north and south along strike from Zenith’s project area attest to the regional gold endowment of this area.
A major targeting exercise by the company’s geological team initially identified 12 high-quality gold drill targets at Split Rocks, subsequently expanded to 18 targets in the north eastern sector of the company’s 100% owned tenure.
Drilling to date has tested 11 targets with outstanding first pass results returned at:
Dulcie North:
- 32m @ 9.4 g/t Au, incl 9m @ 31.4 g/t Au
Dulcie Laterite Pit:
- 2m @ 14.5 g/t Au ,incl. 1m @ 20.8 g/t Au,
- 18m @ 2.0 g/t Au (EOH) incl. 1m @ 23.7 g/t Au
- 14m @ 3.5 g/tAu
- 3m @ 17.9 g/t Au
Estrela Prospect:
- 2m @ 9.8 g/t Au
Dulcie Far North:
- 5m @ 5.6 g/t Au incl. 4m @ 6.8 g/t Au
Water Bore:
- 3m @ 6.6 g/t Au
Phase 2 follow-up drilling at Estrela provided sufficient encouragement to continue to test the identified structural target further along strike to the north with new results including 2m @ 0.4 g/t Au and 1m @ 0.6 g/t Au along strike from 2m @ 9.8 g/t Au and 3m @ 2.6 g/t Au. The mineralised structure at Estrela appears to be present over at least 200 metres of strike but is disrupted by numerous unmineralised pegmatites.
A further eight of the 18 targets generated by Zenith extending over 18km of strike are yet to have first pass drill testing.
CEO, Mick Clifford, said that given recent positive ASX announcements, first pass testing by aircore of these additional targets will be progressed in conjunction with follow-up work on the significant near surface gold results at the 4 Dulcie targets, Dulcie Laterite Pit, Dulcie North, Dulcie Far North & Water Bore.
The new 1m assay results confirm and extend gold zones at multiple prospects. Gold mineralisation remains open and will be the focus of further RC drilling at Dulcie North and the Water Bore zone, whilst multiple high-priority gold targets over 18km of strike, remain to have first pass drill testing,” Mr Clifford said.
“Split Rocks is one of our key 100% owned projects, the others being Red Mountain gold and Develin Creek copper in Queensland. In addition, we’ll continue to advance our joint venture interests including the recently announced Earaheedy zinc-lead project in Western Australia, refer to ZNC ASX release 19-April-21.”