Anova Metals Limited (ASX: AWV) has commenced a 2022 soil sampling programme at its 100%-owned Big Springs Gold Project in Nevada, US. The key objective of the soil programme is to better define surface expressions of gold mineralisation at the southern end of Big Springs.

Golden Dome is the focus of the programme. It is one of the most sparsely explored areas across the Big Springs property, but also one of the most geologically interesting, being located adjacent to the producing Jerritt Canyon Gold Mine.
The current soil sampling programme will consist of approximately 2,800 samples collected on a 50m x 100m spacing. Ethos Geological from Bozeman, Montana has been contracted to carry out the sample collection.
The sample programme is expected to be completed by mid-September. Concurrent geologic mapping and rock-chip sampling in the same area is set to provide an additional interpretive framework for the results. Assay results are expected to be returned by mid-November 2022.
Lower Plate rocks, which host gold at Jerritt Canyon, have been previously mapped at surface within the Golden Dome region. Mineralisation of Lower Place rocks at Golden Dome has been confirmed by limited historic drilling, which includes an intercept of 6.1 m @ 2.79 g/t Au). Previous soil sampling results support these drilling results.
In addition, multiple north-west oriented high angle faults transect the target area. At Jerritt Canyon, north- west oriented faults, particularly at the intersections with north-east oriented faults, are where economic gold mineralization occurs. The alignment of these gold patterns suggests structural control of mineralization.
Anova plans to use the new sample data in conjunction with compiled geologic mapping to establish drill and trench targets for 2023. Mapping in the Golden Dome area is highlighting some very promising structure and alteration that Anova expects to be highlighted by the soil results, and hopefully extended into covered areas.