BPM Minerals Ltd (ASX: BPM) has commenced drilling at the Hawkins Lead-Zinc Project, located in the Earaheedy Super Basin, Western Australia.

Acquired in mid-May 2021, Hawkins is the centrepiece of BPM’s entry to an emerging lead-zinc-silver Super Basin, with the Project located approximately 40km northwest along strike from the Rumble Resources Limited’s Chinook lead-zinc discovery and a number of further lead-zinc discoveries made by both Rumble and Strickland Metals Limited.
Limited historic RC drilling was completed by RGC Limited (RGC) across the Earaheedy Basin in 1997, exploring for Pb-Zn-Ag mineralisation. RGC completed limited scout drilling at the Pinnacles prospect located on the East-West Graben fault and returned a best intercept of 2m @ 0.56% Zn+Pb.
The presence of mineralisation at the Pinnacles prospect highlights the structure as a probable major conduit for mineralised fluids through the basin. In addition, PbZn mineralisation is located approximately 40m from surface at the Frere/Yelma unconformable contact a similar litho-structural setting as Rumble Resources Chinook discovery.
Importantly and consistent with large SEDEX style deposits, wherever RGC intersected Pb-Zn mineralisation in the sedimentary basin, large-scale discoveries have been made by the current group of Earaheedy explorers. For further information please visit: https://www.bpmminerals.com/