BPM Minerals Ltd (ASX: BPM) has recommenced drilling at the Hawkins Lead-Zinc Project as part of exploration programmes at the company’s Earaheedy Projects in WA.

- Drilling has recommenced at Hawkins Lead-Zinc Project, following unseasonal and historic rainfall across the Pilbara and central Western Australia.
- Hawkins Project is located approximately 40km northwest along strike from the Rumble Resources Chinook lead-zinc discovery (34m @ 4.22% Pb + Zn)Hawkins was pegged prior to the recent Rumble Resources discovery, delivering a first mover advantage with all surrounding ground now fully pegged.
- The company expects the drilling campaign to last at least three weeks with all drilling programmes fully funded and supported by the company’s strong cash position.
It’s been a frustrating month for our exploration team with more than 120 millimetres of rain recorded at the Hawkins Project on what is very flat country. The Exploration team has been eager to get back to site and get drilling underway with an RC program designed to test for a potentially large lead-zinc-silver mineralised footprint,” CEO, Chris Swallow, said.