Castillo Copper Limited (ASX:CCZ) has commenced cobalt-focused drilling campaign is at the BHA Project’s East Zone in NSW.

The four-week campaign comprises one diamond core and 17 RC drill-holes for 2,100m across four prospects.
This is an exciting time for Castillo Copper as drilling is now underway at our 100% owned BHA Project’s East Zone. The geology team have designed a comprehensive drilling campaign and the Board is optimistic the strategic intent to increase the confidence and grade of the current MRE is achievable,” Managing Director, Dr Dennis Jensen, said.
A key focus for the Fence Gossan, Reefs Tanks & Tors Tanks Prospects is to drill deep enough to intersect two lower potentially cobalt-rich zones that are interpreted to host higher grade mineralisation than has been modelled to date.
The Board’s strategic intent for this campaign remains extending known mineralisation plus enhancing the confidence & grade of the current global MRE – 21,556t cobalt (64Mt @ 318 ppm Co) and 44,260t copper (63Mt @ 0.07% Cu).
Over the next four weeks, the team will complete one diamond core and 17 RC drill- holes for 2,100m across four prospects.