Castillo Copper Limited’s (ASX:CCZ) has appointed specialist consultant, ANSTO, to undertake metallurgical test-work on six samples from Fence Gossan, Reefs and Tors Tanks Prospects within the BHA Project’s East Zone.

The scope of work that ANSTO will perform is designed to provide a deeper understanding of the following:
- The potential to extract REE mineralisation from shallow clay zones;
- Characterising the REE leachability from the six samples which comprise fresh pegmatite to highly weathered clay; and
- Separating out high-value MREO (Nd+Pr+Dy+Tb) as the grades in the samples range from 362- 603ppm MREO
The Board is delighted ANSTO is conducting specialist metallurgical test-work on samples from the BHA Project’s East Zone,” Chairman, Ged Hall, said.
“Understanding the potential to extract REE mineralisation, especially MREOs, will greatly assist in our efforts to align with a future development partner. Pleasingly, the work done to date clearly confirms there is an extensive shallow REE system across the central part of the BHA Project’s East Zone.”
The Board believes this is a crucially important step towards materially advancing the viability of the BHA Project’s East Zone. Furthermore, robust metallurgical test-work results for high-value MREO mineralisation should aid securing interest from prospective development partners.
To recap, diamond core drill-hole from the Tors Tank Prospect returned an excellent assay result: 13m @ 1,550ppm TREO from 5m; 38.9% MREO (TT_005DD).Notably, the high value MREO reading was well above the 25% average among the peer group.
Re-assays of 1.0m samples from the Tors Tank and Fence Gossan Prospects re-affirmed high MREO percentages and provided clearer evidence there is an extensive, shallow REE mineralisation system across the centre of the BHA Project’s East Zone.