Colin Hay

Encounter Resources (ASX: ENR) has confirmed that the Green target in the West Arunta region of WA contains widespread carbonatite complex hosted niobium-REE mineralisation.

Two broad-spaced, reconnaissance aircore holes drilled in 2023 on the western edge of Green established that the north-east structure extending from the Luni carbonatite is mineralised and this trend is open along strike towards the regionally extensive Stromness fault.

“Broad spaced aircore drilling is achieving what we had hoped by rapidly identifying and mapping out near surface mineralised carbonatites in the West Arunta. The mineralised trend at Green broadly follows a curved, magnetic anomaly extending to the north-east from WA1’s Luni discovery and wraps around into the Stromness fault,” Executive Chairman, Will Robinson, said.

“Many of the aircore holes drilled at Green end in high-grade niobium mineralisation and the next phase of exploration aims to methodically define better mineralised parts of the large carbonatite at Green through closer spaced and deeper drilling.”

Initial Aircore Drilling

Initial reconnaissance aircore drilling in 2024 has outlined a large, mineralised carbonatite complex that broadly follows a magnetic anomaly that extends to the north-east from WA1’s Luni resource. This feature wraps into the north-west trending Stromness Fault and appears in the magnetics as a broadly curved trend that extends over ~4km of strike.

First assays received from wide-spaced aircore drilling along a 1.6km section of the Green carbonatite have confirmed the presence of an extensive carbonatite complex which hosts niobium-REE mineralisation which is open along strike and at depth.

Assay results from seven holes selected from the first four drill sections completed (400m to 800m line spaced) have returned niobium-REE mineralisation on all drill lines.

The mineralised trend contains numerous end of hole intersections and is open to the east as it approaches the Stromness fault.

A second batch of samples from Green, covering the eastern side of the target, has left site with assay results expected in August 2024.

The next phase of exploration at Green has already commenced. The aim of this next phase of drilling along the Green carbonatite is to define high grade sections within the broader mineralised trend through closer spaced aircore drilling and deeper RC drilling.

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