Estrella Resources Limited (ASX: ESR) continues to have exploration success at its 100% owned Carr Boyd nickel-copper sulphide project located 80km northeast of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder in Western Australia.

Drillhole CBDD078A has successfully locating the continuation of the T5 Deposit at depth below the Carr Boyd Nickel Mine area.
CBDD078A was targeting the down-plunge continuation of the T5 Deposit 300 metres south of previous drilling, and south of a disrupting Proterozoic Dyke.
Managing Director, Chris Daws, said the company is delighted to report that the drillhole was successful in locating the continuation of the T5 Deposit below previous drilling.
The hole intersected a 21.2-metre-long zone of disseminated to blebby nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation, including 1.8m of semi-massive and globular nickel-copper sulphides at the bottom of the interval on the basal contact.
The lower sulphide contact occurs on an off-shoot from the Proterozoic Dyke, however the majority of primary mineralisation appears to remain intact and has not been remobilised. Drillholes CBDD067A and CBDD067B were wedge holes targeting a DHEM plate north of the Proterozoic Dyke generated from their parent hole, CBDD067.
The wedge holes intersected remobilised nickel-copper sulphide mineralisation. The large Proterozoic Dyke has infiltrated the basal contact in this area and disrupted mineralisation. Further drilling is warranted to identify the location of the remobilised sulphides and this work will be undertaken in due course once the regional program has concluded.
Drilling at T5 has again provided our team success with a significant step out hole south of the late stage Proterozoic Dyke, encountering significant nickel and copper sulphides,” Mr Daws said.
“DHEM will be a significant advantage as we follow the extent of the T5 Deposit. We continue to actively explore the Carr Boyd basal contact as we know that is the most likely place to find significant accumulations of nickel and copper sulphides.
“It has yielded two solid discoveries so far at T5 and Broonhill. At Gossan Hill, we are kicking off our first diamond drilling program this week and I’m looking forward to seeing the results and updating shareholders.”
Further step-out holes south of the dyke will encounter less and less disruption, as was seen within the main T5 Deposit identified to date. The T5 deposit remains open at depth and to the south.