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Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) has intercepted disseminated sulphides in the last two diamond drill holes that have been completed at the Delta Blues prospect in the Fraser Range of Western Australia.

The sulphides occur in association with tonalite intrusion (described petrographically as a trondhjemite) with further potential to be assessed through laboratory assays and down hole EM surveys.

The company said the first diamond drilling campaign at the Delta Blues prospect is now complete with two holes drilled at the DB2 target.

Drill holes DBDD001 and DBDD002 were designed to test a conductive target beneath sulphide mineralisation previously intercepted in RC drilling. While matrix, stringer, and disseminated sulphides were intercepted in both drill holes it is unsure whether the modelled conductor can be adequately explained by the mineralisation intercepted or is in part related to graphite which accompanies some sections of the sulphide mineralisation.

Observed sulphides are predominantly pyrrhotite with minor chalcopyrite. Down hole EM surveying and laboratory assaying will be required to determine whether there are further targets for drilling within the prospect area.

Geological logging recorded typical Fraser Range meta-sediments and mafic granulites as well as units of felsic (tonalite) intrusive rocks. The intrusive units occur proximal and adjacent to the sulphides and may have a causative relationship. Felsic intrusive samples from RC drill hole DBRC001 were examined petrographically under the microscope and were determined to be trondhjemite, a variety of tonalite.

Core samples from diamond drilling will be submitted to the laboratory for assaying with current turn-around-times of approximately eight to ten weeks.

Norseman Project

Regional aircore drilling at Norseman has now been completed with 8,700 metres drilled at multiple new nickel and palladium drill targets. Massive sulphide was intercepted in drill hole NAC105 with the drill bit unable to break through the mineralisation.

Assay results showed values of 0.24% nickel. 0.35% copper, 0.04% cobalt and 0.25 g/t palladium over the final metre of the drill hole at just 60m downhole depth.

This new zone of sulphide mineralisation will be followed up with EM surveying scheduled to commence in January. The ground EM survey is designed to define further drill targets for RC drill testing in 2022 with the initial and outstanding drill target being the down dip and along strike continuation of the sulphides identified in NAC105.

Aircore drill samples from the majority of the drilling at Norseman are expected to start coming back from the laboratory in mid-January. Sample batches were submitted to the lab each week as drilling progressed and assay returns are expected weekly from mid-January onwards. Any material results from the aircore drilling will be released to the market as the assays are returned.

“Our exploration campaigns at the Fraser Range and Norseman projects continue to yield encouraging results. At Delta Blues, a conductive target beneath sulphide mineralisation at DB2 was tested via two diamond drill holes with matrix, stringer, and disseminated sulphides intercepted in both holes. Our focus now is on down hole EM surveys and laboratory assays, planned for the first quarter of 2022, to gain a better understanding of the prospect’s potential,” Managing Director,Brad Underwood, said.

“At Norseman, we have completed 8,700m of aircore drilling with mineralised nickel-copper-cobalt-palladium sulphides confirmed. We look forward to providing investors with an update on assays from this drilling which are expected to be received from mid-January onwards.

“Our planned activities at Norseman include EM surveying in January which will target the newly discovered sulphide occurrence. The results from this work will be used in the design of follow up drill testing at this outstanding green fields prospect.”

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