Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) has intersected two zones of heavily disseminated sulphides in its first diamond drilling hole of the year at the Lantern South prospect in Western Australia’s Fraser Range region.

The drill hole was completed to check for mineralisation beneath RC drill hole LARC012 and to establish a platform for down hole EM surveying.

The two zones of heavily disseminated sulphide were intercepted within drill hole LADD003 from 110.5m to 111.35m and from 169m to 171.3m. Sulphides were predominantly pyrrhotite (iron sulphide) with minor pentlandite (nickel sulphide) and minor chalcopyrite (copper sulphide).

Meanwhile, at the company’s Delta Blues prospect, infill EM surveying has resulted in updated models for two targets at DB1 and DB2.

Managing Director, Brad Underwood, said DB1 displays a particularly strong conductivity of 11,000 Siemens and DB2 also has a high modelled conductivity of 3,300 Siemens.

He said that while conductive targets can have multiple sources, it is encouraging that weathered sulphides have been recorded in aircore drilling less than 400m away from DB1. Meanwhile target DB2 occurs less than 300m from sulphides intersected in drilling by S2 Resources.

“We have completed our first diamond drilling programme of the year at Lantern East and Lantern South and continue to build up new targets for drill testing at our highly prospective Fraser Range Project.

“The drilling results show that we have sulphides occurring in the right geological environment on our tenements. This means that we have the correct components required to form a mineral deposit and we will continue to aggressively explore for economic mineralisation.

“We have developed good quality nickel targets from our initial work over the previous two years on this greenfields project. Our drilling programmes in 2021 are designed to test these targets with the aim of making new discoveries.”

LADD003 intersected a multi-phased ultramafic unit within a gabbronorite host rock. Disseminated sulphides (pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pentlandite) occur close to the contact zone between the ultramafic and the host rock.

Mr Underwood said detailed structural and lithological logging of all drill core will provide valuable information to assist the understanding of the occurrence and nature of the mineralisation. This will greatly benefit future drill targeting at the Lantern Prospects and within Galileo tenements over the surrounding area.

Core will be submitted to the laboratory for assaying after the completion of logging however handheld XRF readings did not identify nickel or copper at levels above those recorded from diamond drilling at Lantern South in 2020.

Downhole EM surveying at the Lantern South and Lantern East prospects will be completed to look for off- hole conductive targets that could represent significant accumulations of massive sulphides.

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