Staff Writer

Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) has intersected significant sulphide mineralisation in diamond drill holes LARC008D and LARC013D at the company’s Lantern Prospect in the Fraser Range Nickel Belt of Western Australia.

Managing Director, Brad Underwood, said the occurrence of pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pentlandite sulphides within prospective ultramafic and gabbronorite host rocks demonstrates the presence of the mineralising processes required to form magmatic nickel-copper deposits

This is a great result for our first diamond drilling programme and demonstrates once again the exceptional potential of the area in which we are exploring,” Mr Underwood said.

“Mineral exploration is a process of creating and testing targets and with each round of exploration we develop our knowledge of the ground. The Fraser Range discoveries at Nova (Sirius Resources) and at Mawson (Legend Mining) both involved multiple drill programmes over an extended period of time.

“Our first diamond drilling program has substantially advanced Galileo along the exploration path and provided new insights to prepare for the next round of drilling to begin.

“Samples from the current round of drilling will be sent to the laboratory for assay after structural and geological logging is complete.”

The first two drill holes in the planned three hole diamond drilling program at the Lantern Prospect have now been completed. Drillhole LARC013D targeted underneath disseminated sulphide mineralisation intercepted in previously reported drill hole LARC003.

Drillhole LARC008D targeted an EM conductor on the margin of a major gabbronorite intrusion. The drill rig is currently drilling the third hole of the program (LARC011D) which is a structural target also on the margin of the same large intrusion.

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