Greenstone Resources Limited (ASX:GSR) has continued to reaffirm the high-grade nature of the Burbanks Mining Centre near Coolgardie, Western Australia with further results from a Phase-1 drill campaign.

The Burbanks Gold Project is located on a granted mining lease just 9.0km south of Coolgardie and is supported by a network of existing infrastructure including grid power, sealed roads and several neighbouring toll treatment plants, all of which will serve to expedite any future production decisions. Importantly, Burbanks remains the only high-grade (>2.5g/t) resource greater than 250,000 ounces (measured, indicated and inferred) within 100km of Kalgoorlie that is not already in production.
The most recent results form part of the current 10,000 metre Phase-1 drill campaign principally targeting unclassified mineralisation outside of the existing resource, as supporting the recent JORC (2012) Exploration Target range of 3.3- 3.6Mt at 2.0-2.8g/t Au for 215,000 – 230,000 ounces of contained gold.
The most recent significant intercepts from the Phase-1 drill campaign include:
- BBRC384DA: 1.49 metres @ 12.40g/t Au from 335.0 metres, 0.59 metre @ 26.30g/t Au from 335.9 metres
- BBRC382D: 1.50 metres @ 10.56g/t Au from 166.2 metres, 0.70 metre @ 15.60g/t Au from 167.0 metres
- BBRC406D: 0.90 metres @ 16.99g/t Au from 215.6 metres, 0.35 metre @ 35.50g/t Au from 216.2 metres
- BBRC383D: 5.01 metres @ 4.58g/t Au from 159.3 metres, 0.84 metre @ 21.30g/t Au from 163.5 metres
- BBRC384DA: 3.30 metres @ 6.48g/t Au from 199.1 metres, 0.65 metre @ 12.30g/t Au from 199.8 metres
- BBRC387D: 3.65 metres @ 4.74g/t Au from 209.0 metres, 1.00 metre @ 8.39g/t Au from 210.0 metres
Importantly, these latest high-grade drill results remain outside the existing JORC (2012) Mineral Resource and have identified multiple high-grade parallel structures serving to reaffirm the potential for further resource growth. These newly identified structures are adjacent to both the current JORC (2012) Mineral Resource and the JORC (2012) Exploration Target, with the latter the primary focus of the current Phase-1 drill campaign.
To expediate the completion of the Phase-1 drill campaign, a second multi-purpose drill rig has been mobilised to site with the company entering into a $500,000 drill for equity agreement with United Drill Services Pty Ltd.
The current Phase-1 drill campaign is expected to be completed by late-March, following which an updated mineral resource estimation will be undertaken with an updated resource statement expected by late-May 2023.
Following the completion of Phase 1, the focus will shift to the northern extension, following up on high grade drill results received at the end of 2022. This northern extension zone will form a core component of the latter two phases of drilling to be undertaken post the completion of Phase-1 in March, with all phases serving to test the true geological potential of the Burbanks Gold project across the entire 5.5km strike of the Burbanks Shear Zone.
The current Phase-1 drill campaign continues to exceed our expectations with drilling continuing to reconcile with the JORC (2012) Exploration Target,” Managing Director and CEO, Chris Hansen, said.
“Importantly, these most recent results have also served to identify several zones of mineralisation which are parallel to the main zone of mineralisation and are outside of the current Exploration Target.
“The Phase-1 campaign remains on schedule for completion late this month, and following the receipt of all assay data, an updated mineral resource estimate (MRE) will be undertaken for Burbanks, with the updated MRE expected in late-May 2023.
“Outside of Burbanks, we continue to work closely with our Joint Venture partner at Mt Thirsty in relation to an ownership consolidation and Initial Public Offering (IPO) of the Mt Thirsty project, principally aimed at providing our shareholders with a clear distinction between our base metal and precious metal projects.
“With two drill rigs now on site at Burbanks, and Phase-2 and Phase-3 drilling scheduled to begin in April, we look forward to testing the true geological potential of Burbanks and keeping the market updated on a regular basis.”