Hawkstone Mining Limited (ASX:HWK) reports that drilling at the Lone Pine Gold Project in Idaho, USA, has confirmed the high grade and excellent geological continuity of the quartz vein zone.

Managing Director, Paul Lloyd,said the company has now received the results of the final four diamond drill holes, completed as part of the company’s maiden exploration and drilling programme at Lone Pine.
We are very pleased with the results from the 2020 field season drilling completed at the Lone Pine Gold Project,” Mr Lloyd said.
“Exploration has demonstrated the presence of high-grade gold mineralisation and the excellent geological continuity of the Lone Pine vein zone providing the impetus to continue with further drilling at Lone Pine and also the highly prospective King Solomon mineralised zone 900m to the southeast.
“The knowledge acquired from the drilling challenges encountered throughout the 2020 program will greatly assist with the programme planning and execution heading into the 2021 field season.”
A total of 11 holes for 677.95m of both NQ and HQ3 core have been completed in the Lone Pine campaign.
An additional, larger diamond drill rig was mobilised to the Lone Pine Gold Project, capable of drilling HQ3 core to overcome recovery issues, especially through the mineralised zone where highly altered, broken clayey material is characteristic of the mineralisation.
This larger diamond drill rig returned good recoveries in core below the water table, where water laden clayey material was present. However, recoveries were still poor in the shallow holes (LPDD09 and 10) where the clay was dry and crumbly. Despite this, the drilling has confirmed the geology, apparent thickness and continuity of the mineralised structure and enabled better planning for drilling in the 2021 field season.
Latest results for drill holes include:
- LPDD08 intersected 2 intervals separated by a narrow dyke (1.64m): 12.93 g/t Au over 1.91m from 106.9 to 108.36 including 29.7 g/t Au over 0.82m and 6.86 g/t Au over 0.34m from 110 to 110.34m.
- LPDD09 experienced poor recoveries of 55% through the quartz vein zone returning 1.85 g/t Au over 2.38m. The hole intersected the vein zone above the water table and encountered dried out crumbly clay gouge.
- LPDD10 also experienced low recoveries due to the presence of dry crumbly clay gouge. It returned 1.01 g/t Au over 1.6m.
- LPDD11 intersected 10.39 g/t Au over 0.86m including 16.95 g/t Au over 0.52m.
Mr Lloyd said the drilling, mapping and the trenching to date demonstrate the excellent geological continuity of the quartz vein zone with all drill holes LPDD01 to LPDD11having intersected the mineralised zone where interpreted, confirming the steeply dipping to sub-vertical nature of the structure.
Planning and permitting is now underway for diamond drilling in the 2021 field season at both the King Solomon and the Lone Pine mineralised zones.
Drilling at King Solomon will be the first to be undertaken in the area since the early-1990’s. This drilling returned some highly anomalous results including 18m @ 3.75 g/t from 42m, including 1.5m @ 14.90 g/t Au from 42m and 1.5m @ 14.80 g/t Au from 57m.