Hexagon Energy Materials Ltd (ASX:HXG) has completed a successful historic geochemical review and regional structural reinterpretation at the McIntosh Project, located in the Kimberley in WA.

The multi- faceted review has highlighted several high priority Ni-Cu targets, including the Melon Patch North, Mabel Hill, Jackal and Hyena Prospects.
The geochemical review involved the identification and digitisation of 29,558 geochemical samples and 70 drillholes from ~388 WAMEX historical reports from 1967 to 2018.
Hexagon’s extensive tenement land holding enabled a regional scale as well as prospect scale interrogation of the area’s potential to host further Ni-Cu-PGM mineralisation.
This regional scale and prospect scale interrogation resulted in the identification of several high priority follow up targets, including the abovementioned Melon Patch North, Mabel Hill, Jackal and Hyena targets.
Hexagon has now commenced detailed structural and geological mapping over the McIntosh project area.
As part of this mapping process. The company has:
- Engaged highly experienced structural geologist Dr Mark Rieuwers (SRK Consulting), who has expertise in nickel sulphide systems.
- Commissioned Dave Johnson (Zion Geophysics Inc) to undertake a review and reinterpretation of historic airborne and ground geophysical data covering the McIntosh project area.
The McIntosh project lies within the central Halls Creek Orogenic zone, Lamboo Complex, which includes the prospective large McIntosh mafic-ultramafic intrusive complex located immediately west of the Alice Downs fault and further west of the cratonic scale Halls Creek fault.
Historical exploration largely focused on NE/SW striking Panton stratigraphy with follow-up of historical mapped gossans and work generally comprised soil sampling, electromagnetic geophysical surveys and limited drill testing.
The structural review has highlighted the NW-SE trending faults which transect McIntosh Intrusive complex into surrounding stratigraphy and occurred during anti- clockwise rotation of the McIntosh complex.
Exploration targets for Ni-PGE fault-breccia have been observed with significant geochemical anomalism and alteration observed along these NW-SE (to WNW-ESE) fault systems suggesting potential remobilisation of ore fluids from the McIntosh intrusive including Panton stratigraphy but also along contacts such as Wild Dog Creek Gabbro and Tickalara sediments.
The geochemical review involved the identification and digitisation of 29,558 geochemical samples and 70 drillholes from approximately 388 WAMEX historical reports from 1967 to 2018.
The review has highlighted the potential for the McIntosh Project to host further Ni-Cu-PGM mineralisation and has resulted in the identification of several high priority follow up targets, including Melon Patch, Melon Patch North, Mabel Hill and Jackal