Larvotto Resources Limited (ASX: LRV) has completed a combined Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Induced Polarisation (IP) geophysical survey at the company’s Ohakuri Gold Project, located in the North Island of New Zealand.

Previous drilling of the large, lower-grade gold mineralised zones and follow-up wide spaced ESCAN geophysics all highlighted the potential of Ohakuri to host significant epithermal gold mineralisation,” Managing Director, Ron Heeks, said.
“This survey successfully refined historical broad geophysical targets into robust targets for drilling. As soon as a diamond drill rig can be sourced, we will start drilling.
“Nearly all the 10,000m metres of previous drilling failed to intersect the potential gold feeder zones that emanate from the deep source rocks below Ohakuri. We will target these missed feeder zones in the upcoming drilling.”
The aim of Larvotto’s recently completed ERT/IP geophysical survey was to both infill and refine the broad scale geophysical survey work previously undertaken at Ohakuri, and to gain further detail at depth regarding the location of the potential Ohakuri and Maleme gold feeder conduits. These gold conduits have potentially provided mineralisation to the very thick zones of lower grade mineralisation that cover an extensive area within the central portion of the prospect.
Historical drilling into this broad scale mineralisation has produced gold hits including:
- 172m @ 0.41g/t Au
- 160m @ 0.32g/t Au
- 215m @ 0.21g/t Au
- 170m @ 0.24g/t Au
These holes cover a wide area and as the intersections are very large, clearly demonstrate that a significant amount of gold exists in the Ohakuri area. The aim of this phase of Larvotto’s exploration is to accurately define the pathways that the mineralised fluids used to move such a large amount of gold into the area.
Future Exploration
The results from the geophysical survey have allowed Larvotto to select sites for diamond drill holes to test the anomalies generated in its upcoming drilling.
Larvotto is currently in discussion with several drill companies and will be undertaking the drill program as soon as a suitable rig becomes available. An initial 1,500 metres of diamond drilling is planned.