Staff Writer

Lefroy Exploration Limited (ASX: LEX) has extended the Au-Cu anomaly to 900m in length with results from the final 449 holes of a 577 hole-21,485m aircore (AC) drill programme that evaluated multiple targets including Burns in Lake Randall in Western Australia.

Burns is within the Eastern Lefroy tenement package, which is part of the wholly owned greater Lefroy Gold Project (LGP) located 50km southeast of Kalgoorlie.

The major drilling programme commenced in November 2021 with results reported for the initial 128 holes on February 21, 2022.

The programme recommenced on February 25, 2022 and was drilled in stages due to rig availability and weather conditions hampering access to Lake Randall.

The Burns prospect is situated on the eastern margin of a large interpreted felsic intrusion, termed the Burns Intrusion.

The intrusion does not outcrop but features a distinctive annular aeromagnetic and gravity geophysical signature. Immediately to the north, three parallel linear magnetic features known as Lucky Strike, Havelock and Erinmore are interpreted to radiate out from the Burns intrusion.

The company is working towards establishing the association between the larger Burns intrusion, the magnetic anomalies and the diorite porphyry intrusions intersected at Burns, but research is ongoing to source evidence to support a view on the genetic relationship.

Broad high-grade gold mineralisation is hosted within a newly discovered hematite-pyrite-chalcopyrite-magnetite altered diorite porphyry that intrudes high Mg basalt at Burns.

The gold and copper mineralisation hosted by both the diorite porphyry, basalt and massive magnetite veins is considered to be a new and unique style of Au-Cu mineralisation near Kalgoorlie, within a land position dominated by Lefroy.


Assay results have been received, validated and interpreted for the final 449 vertical aircore holes drilled to evaluate the six priority Au-Cu targets including Burns all located within Lake Randall.

Significant gold results were returned from two vertical AC holes (LEFA1113 and 1498) that were part of the 40m by 40m infill program evaluating an area approximately 500m to the north of the 0N section.

The results of the combined AC drilling in this area define a robust gold anomaly (plus 0.1g/t Au) supported by copper anomalism that extends 500m to the north of discovery hole LEFR260. The dimensions of the Burns gold anomaly now extend to 900m north-south and 200m east-west and is open for growth.

Significant results from this program include:

  •  11m @ 0.96g/t Au from 28m in LEFA1113 Including 8m at 1.28g/t Au from 28m
  • 8m @ 1.60g/t Au from 64m and 1m @1.02g/t Au from 76m to EoH in LEFA1156
  • 12m @ 3.43g/t Au & 0.20% Cu from 40m in LEFA1498 Including 8m @ 4.89g/t Au & 0.22% Cu from 44m to EOH

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