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Lefroy Exploration Limited (ASX: LEX) has intersected the Eastern Porphyry in six straight holes in its recently completed reverse circulation (RC) drilling programme at the Burns Prospect in Western Australia.

Burns is within the Eastern Lefroy tenement package, which is part of the wholly owned greater Lefroy Gold Project (LGP) located 50km south east of Kalgoorlie.

The six-hole, angled RC drill holes are pre collars for diamond drill holes (tails) that are part of a larger programme of diamond drilling that is due to commence in mid-April.

The pre collars were drilled on five consecutive 40m spaced east west sections along strike of the discovery section that hosts the exciting LEFR260 hole drilled in a maiden 22-hole RC drill programme at Burns completed in Jan- Feb 2021.

LEFR260 intersected a spectacular gold and copper interval in hole containing:

  • 60m at 5.22g/t Au and 0.38% Cu from 112m down-hole to end of hole, including: 20m at 12.2g/t Au, 0.87% Cu and 1.7g/t Ag from 144m

The broad high-grade mineralisation is hosted within a newly discovered hematite-pyrite-chalcopyrite- magnetite altered porphyry. This porphyry, now termed the Eastern Porphyry, is open to the north and south and its eastern extent is unknown. The mineralisation is open at depth.

Each of the six new RC holes intersected the Eastern Porphyry in the interpreted position. This provides confidence in, and support for the geological model. All holes ended in variably altered porphyry, the eastern limit of which is yet to be determined and which extends out beneath Lake Randall.

Hole LEFR283 drilled 40m to the north of discovery hole LEFR260 intersected two zones of magnetite sulphide (pyrite, chalcopyrite) altered porphyry separated by magnetite altered basalt. The lower interval from 120m to 138m (End of Hole) intersected an alteration zone that is visually similar to the 20m high- grade interval in LEFR260.

The lower interval in LEFR283 includes a 2m interval from 127m containing multiple flecks of visible gold (VG) hosted by altered (magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite) porphyry.

The depth extension to this interval in LEFR283 was evaluated by hole LEFR286. That hole also intersected the eastern porphyry, which included a 34m downhole interval of magnetite sulphide (pyrite, chalcopyrite) altered porphyry. This hole also ended in porphyry at 198m and will be extended with a diamond tail.

Assay results for the programme are expected in mid-April.

Lefroy has now prepared 14 RC pre collared holes diamond drill tails. These are a combination of previous and new (LEX) RC drill holes, including holes LEFR283 and 286 noted above.

The diamond drill programme will be an initial 14-hole test to evaluate the Eastern Porphyry over a 200m strike length on 40m spaced drill sections.

The first hole of that programme will be a diamond hole to twin and extend past the high-grade interval in LEFR260. The second planned hole will test 50m vertically beneath the mineralisation in LEFR260.

The diamond drilling program totalling approximately 1500m is rescheduled to commence in mid-April subject to final confirmation of rig availability. Additional RC drilling is being planned to complement the diamond drilling focussing on extensions to Burns and initial evaluation of the Smithers magnetic anomaly.

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