Mantle Minerals Limited (ASX:MTL) has commenced drilling in the Roberts Hill tenement in Western Australia’s north.

The programme is expected to take about six weeks to complete, and assays are expected by the end of January 2024.
The company developed the proposed drilling program following an in-depth analysis of the geological, geochemical and geophysical aspects of both Roberts Hill and Mt Berghaus spanning 6 months. The work indicated the potential connection between the geology of Robert’s Hill and Hemi, including its satellite deposits.
Most importantly, the geophysical data suggests that the stratigraphy of Robert’s Hill may be exhibiting a north-south trend and could connect with the stratigraphy that forms the Hemi gold trend.
The Hemi deposit lies at the heart of De Grey’s 10.6M Oz gold mineralisation system immediately to the south of Mantle’s Roberts Hill tenements. Mantle is exploring for extensions of this system at Roberts Hill.
The Roberts Hill project is located within an interpreted gold trend extending from Whim Creek and Toweranna gold mines eastwards through Hemi and potentially beyond.