Marvel Gold Limited (ASX: MVL) has received further positive results from the recent RC drilling programme aimed at expanding the 910koz mineral resource at the Tabakorole Gold Project in southern Mali.

Managing Director, Phil Hoskins, said these results are expected to enhance the resource ounces and grade within the existing strike of the deposit.
Several of the reported results returned very broad intersections of mineralisation such as 40m at 1.0 g/t gold from 86m (including 7m at 2.2 g/t gold from 86m) and 31m at 1.1 g/t gold from 146m.
Mr Hoskins said these holes are expected to increase the confidence of the resource estimation within the deposit in areas of sparse historical drilling.
“We are pleased with the consistent widths and grades in this south-eastern part of the deposit,” Mr Hoskins said.
“Many of the holes drilled in this programme within the existing strike have exceeded expectations and are expected to enhance the size and grade of the resource. These holes continue that theme. We look forward to reporting the remaining assay results, which were drilled to test the north- west strike extension.
“Excellent metallurgical test results and continued exploration success have seen Tabakorole emerge as a significant deposit, with results of recent drilling expected to grow the mineral resource beyond one million ounces.
“We are committed to expanding the existing mineral resource and since concluding the RC drilling, have completed a five-hole diamond drilling programme in the south-east of the deposit, with the results expected to be reported in April, and recently commenced a 6,000m aircore programme to the south-east of the deposit to further target the strike potential in this area.
“In addition, we have also undertaken an extensive geochemistry programme across the Tabakorole licence area and at adjacent tenements, Sirakourou and Solabougouda, as part of a systematic approach to identifying targets for follow up.”
Highlights from the latest results include:
- 40m at 1.0 g/t gold from 86m including 7m at 2.2 g/t gold from 86m
- 33m at 1.1 g/t gold from 84m including 10m at 2.3 g/t gold from 84m;
- 31m at 1.1 g/t gold from 146m; and
- 10m at 2.0 g/t gold from 49m.
The Tabakorole Gold Project has an existing Mineral Resource (910,000oz grading 1.2 g/t gold), with opportunities to expand along strike and via regional exploration.