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Metals Australia Ltd (ASX:MLS) has secured a diamond drilling rig to follow-up test extensions of the high-grade zinc mineralisation intersected at the Kultarr Zinc-Copper Prospect in WA.


The diamond drilling will also test depth extensions and provide metallurgical samples from the Foundation Pegmatite below previous, high-grade lithium-rubidium intersections at the Manindi Project, located 20 km southwest of Youanmi in the Murchison District of Western Australia.

The new diamond drilling program will test for extensions to the previously announced high-grade intersection in MNRC070 of 68m @ 3.09% Zn, 0.20% Cu, 2.33 g/t Ag from 89m, including 24.0m @ 6.47% Zn, 0.29% Cu, 3.58 g/t Ag from 100m.

This exceptional reverse circulation (RC) drilling intersection extended the high-grade zinc mineralization at the Kowarri Prospect down plunge to the west of previous high-grade intersections.

Previous electromagnetic (EM) surveys show EM anomalies at depth below both the Kultarr (K2 anomaly) and Kowari (C1 anomaly) zones.

The high-grade intersection in MNRC070 confirmed that the high-grade zinc mineralization extends beyond the previous drilling and opened up the potential to significantly expand the high-grade zinc resources at the prospect.

The new diamond drilling program, to commence early next week, will include two holes testing to the south of the MNRC070 intersection, down plunge towards the previously identified EM conductor.

Manindi is an outstanding battery metals project with high-grade resource potential for zinc and lithium as well as the recently identified vanadium, nickel, copper and cobalt potential,” Chairman, Mike Scivolo, said.

“We’ve been able to secure a diamond drilling rig at short notice that will now allow us to follow up on the recent exceptional intersection of high-grade zinc mineralization and potentially extend the high-grade zinc resources at the Project.

 “In addition, we will diamond drill test extensions of the thick and high-grade Foundation Lithium Pegmatite, which will provide samples for very important mineralogical and metallurgical test work as a prelude to initial JORC 2012 mineral resource estimates for the project.”

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