Minerals 260 Limited (ASX:MI6) has commenced its inaugural drilling programme at the 100%-owned Dingo Rocks base and precious metals project in Western Australia.

The Dingo Rocks Project is in the Albany Fraser Range Province, approximately 600km south-east of Perth and 100km south of Norseman, proximal to the southern margin of the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane of the Archaean Yilgarn Block.
The company’s drilling programme will comprise 130-150 Air Core (AC) holes for 6,000-7,000m, and is designed to test coincident magnetic and gravity anomalies defined by geophysical surveys.
The anomalies are interpreted to indicate possible mafic-ultramafic intrusions, prospective for nickel-copper- platinum group elements (PGE) mineralisation, which have not been assessed by previous exploration. The drilling programme will also assess the potential for Rare Earth Element (REE) mineralisation at Dingo Rocks.
Assay results from the programme are expected in November.