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Moho Resources Ltd (ASX:MOH) has been awarded a grant of $200,000 for the Empress Springs project under the Collaborative Exploration Incentive (CEI) programme by the Queensland Government and administered by the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (DNRME).

Managing Director, Shane Sadleir, said the CEI grant will be used by Moho for a geochemical drilling program to follow up geochemical anomalies identified by the successful hydrogeochemical survey at its Empress Springs Project in 2020.

This work was conducted by Moho in collaboration with the CSIRO and JV partner IGO Limited (IGO) in a region where it had previously discovered the makings of a new mineral province in basement lithologies under cover.

Moho wishes to thank the Queensland government for their substantial funding support. We are looking forward to implementing the next phase of exploration to follow up these outstanding hydrogeochemical anomalies and advance our knowledge of mineralising systems at the highly prospective Empress Springs project” – Mr Sadleir said.

Key outcomes of Hydrogeochemical survey conducted in 2020

  • Strong gold anomalism was identified in a ~90km zone across the Empress Springs project and new zones were identified.
  • The gold anomalies fall within the top 1% of ground water gold anomalism nationally indentified by the CSIRO.
  • The strong NW-SE trend of anomalism matches the major trans crustal structure previously interpreted by Moho’s consultant Dr Jon Hronsky.
  • A highly anomalous tin, tungsten, molybdenum ‘porphyry’ intrusive signature was also observed
  • As a result of the survey results, Moho increased its ground holding by 29% (from 1018 sq km to 3403 sq. km).

The Empress Springs project area is concealed beneath thick Carpentaria Basin sediments. Aircore and RC drilling of the basement will be used to follow-up seven of the most promising and diverse multi-element hydrogeochemical anomalies discovered by Moho in 2020 in the Round 4 CEI0105 Empress Springs Hydrogeochemistry Project. Multi-element geochemistry of basement drill samples and where feasible ground water samples from this new drilling program will be targeted to confirm, follow up selected hydrogeochemical anomalies and provide vectors to mineralisation.

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