Morella Corporation Limited (ASX: 1MC) has confirmed additional shallow and at depth target zones for future drilling programmes with further results from geophysical exploration activities completed at the Fish Lake Valley Lithium Project in Nevada, USA.

From July to August 2022, Morella completed a second phase of magnetotelluric (MT) surveying over the northern part of the Project area.
The MT survey was designed to be complementary to a previous MT survey conducted in the southern portion of the Project area in December 2021 to April 2022.
Magnetotelluric Surveying and Modelling MT surveying was completed along two east-west trending survey transects of the Project area. The survey was to identify electrically conductive anomalies, at depth, which are assessed as having potential to be caused by brine accumulations which may host lithium in solution.
MT survey data was acquired by US-based Zonge International, Inc. during July 2022 using the ‘Zen’ EMAP system, with 2D resistivity inversion modelling of the MT survey data using CGG Geotools, completed by Perth-based Resource Potentials in August 2022. 2D resistivity inversion modelling of the MT survey data produced a distinct, very high conductivity (5-6 Ohmm) occurs in the east, and possible brines in this trough may connect to a sub-basin modelled within the southern part of the project.
Morella is actively engaging the market to secure drilling services in order to test lithium-brine targets. The availability of drilling contractors continues to be challenging due to unprecedented exploration activity in Nevada, however Morella remains positive that drilling will be underway in H1 2023.
To support resource modelling, Morella is investigating options for further, infill MT surveys to fully map the distribution of high conductivity areas, and 2D high resolution, seismic reflection surveys to provide geological control to the basin geometry.
Morella is currently advancing formal discussions with a number of service providers in this regard. It is possible that MT infill survey will be conducted this calendar year and the 2D seismic survey work will be conducted early in 2023.
Building on our initial exploration results with additional, clear and obvious drilling targets is a fantastic result for the effort that the Morella team has undertaken over the past few months,” CEO Alex Cheeseman said.
“Having recently been on the ground at Fish Like Valley, we are increasingly confident of the potential of this Project. The local workforce, communities and service providers fully support the exploration and development activity in the area, which is attracting significant investment.
“With continued, multibillion-dollar downstream investment into US electric vehicle supply chains, having our hands on a prospective lithium project with increasing size and scale provides an enviable growth opportunity for the company.”