Morella Corporation Limited (ASX: 1MC) has identified promising new targets with the completion of a. sonic drilling campaign at the North Big Smoky Carvers Lithium Project in Nevada, USA.

New assay results reveal notable concentrations, reaching up to 230ppm within the claystone and sediments.
Managing Director, James Brown said given these promising drilling results alongside prior surface sampling1, and Magnetotelluric work, the company is eagerly anticipating the assessment of the deeper brine target.
The outcomes from the recent sonic drilling campaign have significantly bolstered our enthusiasm and optimism at Carvers,” Mr Brown said.
“These results showing elevated lithium grades in the shallow claystone and sediment, along with the previous soil sampling and the Magnetotelluric work, collectively paint a compelling picture of the Project’s prospectivity.
“As we look ahead, these encouraging results build our anticipation for the next phase of exploration and evaluation. With the groundwork laid by these findings, we are well positioned to embark on further analysis of the deeper brine target at Cavers.”
The Carvers Project
The Carvers project is located 135 kilometres from Tonopah, and is accessible via Highway 376 in Nevada and comprises 388 placer claims. Morella entered into an earn-in agreement with Lithium Corporation in 2022, whereby Morella has the right to earn a 60% interest in the project, with options to acquire 100% interest.
Drilling to test stratigraphy
On the back of the soil sampling results in January from the eastern part of the project area, a sonic core drill hole programme of four holes was designed to test the stratigraphy and geology. These holes will assist in the assessment of the potential lithium mineralisation as well as the geology encountered so that future deep hole programs at Carvers can be designed.
Drilling commenced in early June with Cascade Drilling engaged to carry out the four hole Sonic Core Program which was completed on 26 July 2023.
The four drill holes were designed to target the soil anomalies with nominal target depths of 575ft. Ground conditions restricted the depth for the hole CARSD23004 and artesian flow caused hole CARSD23002 to be abandoned early.
The downhole results demonstrate several intersections of +50ppm including 19ft at 111ppm from surface in hole CARSD23004 and 67ft at 63ppm from 127ft in CARSD23002. CARSD23001 finished with an intersection of 10ft at 111ppm from 554ft to 564ft.
Future Work
Future work planned for Carvers:
- Reflective seismic testing to determine the subsurface structure and any faulting which will assist with designing the deep hole program.
- Design and implementation of the deep hole program targeting magnetotelluric anomalies.