Staff Writer

New Century Resources Limited and traditional landowner company Waanyi Enterprises Pty Ltd have agreed to investigate the potential develop an open cut mining operation at the historic Century Zinc Mine in Queensland.

New Century and indigenous group to investigate open pit option at Century Zinc Mine

Under a Collaboration Agreement between New Century Resources, which finalised acquisition of the New Century Zinc mine earlier this year, and the Waanyi ReGen Joint Venture (WRJV) will assess the feasibility of open cut mining operations centered around the recently identified mineralisation at South Block.

The WRJV is a joint venture between Waanyi Enterprises Pty Ltd and Downer EDI Mining Pty Ltd, representing the interests of both the Waanyi People (traditional owners of the Century Mining Lease area) and Downer Group’s mining services division.

New Century has already engaged the WRJV to carry out mine design, engineering and costing services as part of an upcoming formal feasibility study which will include any potential Mineral Resource identified at South Block and other currently defined in-situ resources at the Century Zinc Mine. New Century is also undertaking a process of obtaining all required traditional owner consents for mining in the South Block area.

Waanyi PBC Chairman Alec Doomadgee said the Century Zinc Mine has operated on Waanyi land for 17 years and the Waanyi ReGen Joint Venture is already actively engaged on the mine through ongoing care and maintenance works.

“This Collaboration Agreement with New Century Resources presents us as Traditional Owners with the opportunity to realise further benefits from continued mine activities on Waanyi Land including healing country, sustainable economic development, employment opportunities, and looking after environment and cultural heritage values.”

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New Century Resources Managing Director Patrick Walta said the Century Zinc Mine has a long history of engagement with indigenous people through employment and contracting opportunities. “Since acquiring the Mine, New Century has developed a strong relationship with both the Joint Venture and the Waanyi PBC, and we are excited by the opportunity to collaborate with these parties in achieving the beneficial outcomes associated with renewed economic activity at the mine.”

The Collaboration Agreement also provides for the potential future mining operations to be conducted by the WRJV, pending the outcome of the feasibility work and the parties agreeing suitable commercial mining rates.

Both New Century and the WRJV have also agreed to work together with state and federal government representatives to access funding opportunities which may assist in building low cost and long term in-situ operations at the Century Zinc Mine.

The South Block is located on the southernmost portion of the original Century ore body and directly adjacent to the existing processing plant.

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