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Staff Writer

Pacifico Minerals Limited (ASX: PMY) has commenced a new drilling campaign at its 75% owned Sorby Hills Lead-Silver-Zinc Project in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia.

Managing Director, Simon Noon, said the current drilling programme supports the advancement of the Project toward a Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) while simultaneously exploring opportunities to expand the Resource.

Pacifico’s Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) announced in late August confirmed that Sorby Hills is supported by a significant, large near-surface Pb-Ag-Zn deposit comprising a Mineral Resource of 44.1Mt at 3.3% Pb, 38g/t Ag and 0.5% Zn, and Proved and Probable Reserves of 13.6Mt at 3.6% Pb, and 40g/t Ag.

The PFS was underpinned by Pacifico’s successful 2019-20 drilling program which saw a significant increase to the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) at Sorby Hills.

A total of 68 drill holes have been planned for a 5,200m drilling programmeusing a combination of mud-rotary collars and HQ3 diamond core.

Approximately 50% of the planned drilling is assigned to metallurgical and geotechnical/sterilisation test work.

The company is also planning exploration work in permit E80/5317 known as ‘Eight Mile Creek’

Eight Mile Creek is 100% owned by Pacifico and covers 217 sq. kmto the northeast of Kununurra and south of the Sorby Hills Joint Venture Project, adding 30 km of strike length of prospective exploration ground adjacent to the Sorby Hills deposit.

A first path assessment of the E80/5317 tenement is planned to include reconnaissance geological traverse mapping and a ground gravity survey over the northern half of the property to build a structural interpretation of the Devonian-Carboniferous strata.

The Sorby Hills Project is the largest undeveloped, near-surface Lead-Silver-Zinc deposit in Australia and we are excited to be commencing directly to a DFS, supported by the current drilling programme,” Mr Noon said.

“Pacifico has a track record of increasing Resources, as demonstrated by our 2019-20 drilling programs which saw a significant increase to the Sorby Hills Mineral Resource Estimates that underpinned the recent Sorby Hills PFS.

“In addition, we are excited about the opportunity presented by the exploration of tenement E80-5317 at Eight Mile Creek.

“With drilling now having commenced, we look forward to updating the market with our progress and success with expanding Pacifico’s Resources.”

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