Boab Metals Limited (ASX: BML) has received promising initial assay results from its Phase VI drilling programme at its 75% owned Sorby Hills Lead- Silver-Zinc Project located in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia.

- Encouraging drilling results from the Beta Deposit confirm the current mineralisation model and open the prospect for mineralisation extensions.
- Positive drilling results include:
- SHRC_157 (Beta): 7m @ 16.23% Pb & 82g/t Ag from 72m; Incl. 3m @ 35.26% Pb and 174 g/t Ag from 72m
- SHRC_136 (Beta): 20m @ 5.58% Pb & 52g/t Ag from 65m; Incl. 8m @ 6.93% Pb and 90 g/t Ag from 57m
- SHRC_143 (Norton N): 13m @ 2.82% Pb & 35g/t Ag from 95m; Incl. 5m @ 3.91% Pb and 41 g/t Ag from 95m
- Further assay results from phase VI drilling expected early in the New Year.
The Phase IV drilling programme was designed to enhance value within the later stages of the current Sorby Hills mine plan,” Boab Managing Director and CEO Simon Noon said.
“The programme has been completed and the results to date are very encouraging.
“We look forward to providing updates from the remaining samples.”
Phase VI Overview and Objective
During the Phase VI drilling programme a total +3,020m were drilled across 28 RC holes including some that were pre-collared by mud rotary drilling and completed with RC drilling.
The primary objective of the Phase VI drilling program was to facilitate an increase in the portion of the Beta and the Norton Deposits classified as an Ore Reserves.
A total of approximately 1,700 drill samples were submitted to Intertek Laboratories in Darwin of which about 65% have been analysed for a broad spectrum of element analysis including Lead, Silver and Zinc.
Beta Deposit
The Beta Deposit was drilled for the first time by Boab during the Phase V drilling campaign. The results from Boab’s initial drilling conformed with the revised interpretation of the mineralisation geometry.
The Phase VI programme at Beta included 18 drill holes for a combined total of 1,800m of mud rotary and RC drilling. Geological logging backed by hand-held p-XRF testing confirmed that mineralisation intervals were intersected in the targeted stratigraphic interval lending strong support to the resource model for future Resource estimation.
Some of the anticipated broad zone of mineralisation observed in drill chips did not reach the cut off grades for reporting and may indicate the western limits of the mineralisation.
However, infill drilling and drilling on the eastern periphery of the deposit delivered highly encouraging results.
These include:
- SHRC_157 (Beta): 7m @ 16.23% Pb & 82g/t Ag from 72m,Incl. 3m @ 35.26% Pb and 174 g/t Ag from 72m
- SHRC_136 (Beta): 20m @ 5.58% Pb & 52g/t Ag from 65m; Incl. 8m @ 6.93% Pb and 90 g/t Ag from 57m
It is expected that these results will positively impact future Resource estimates, enable an improved Resource classification and the inclusion of a larger proportion of the Beta Mineral Resource into the Ore Reserve.
Norton Deposit
Six RC drill holes for approximately 700m of drilling have been completed at the Norton Deposit.
Results have been received for two of these and include:
- SHRC_143 (Norton N): 13m @ 2.82% Pb & 35g/t Ag from 95m; Incl.5m@3.91 %Pb&41g/t Ag from 95m.
The most recent Mineral Resource estimate highlighted high-grade zones of mineralisation in the northeast portion of the Norton Deposit that are not included in the Sorby Hills mining inventory.
Boab took the view that tighter drill hole spacing in this area may bridge the interpreted continuity gap in the high-grade zone and may enable its inclusion in the future mine plan.
SHRC_143 delivered a significant intercept that can contribute positively to the reserves revision. The significance of the results will depend on the results from the outstanding drill holes completed in the area.