QX Resources Limited (ASX: QXR) has identified a 600m diameter gold in soil anomaly through a phase soil orientation survey at the Ibis prospect on its Mazeppa Extended tenement in the Clermont Goldfield of central Queensland.

The company has completed infill soil sampling at the Ibis prospect, with a final 140 sample points adding to the 1160 sample local soil geochemistry database to reveal a distinct 600 metre diameter gold anomaly through soil cover.
The Ibis anomaly is located on southern permit EPM-15145 in the valley between the Anthony molybdenum stockwork deposit and the Belyando epithermal gold deposit.
The threshold of the Ibis soil gold anomalism is 0.005 ppm Au, as determined by the statistically robust two median absolute deviations method, and the highest assayed soil grade within the anomaly is 0.045 ppm Au.
Non-Executive Director Roger Jackson said the gold anomalism is supported by clear coincident arsenic anomalism based on kriged arsenic with a threshold grade of 11.4 ppm As, as determined by the two median absolute deviations method
Coming hard on the heels of our Red Dog discovery, this result is a great step in QX Resources progression of this under explored project area; giving confidence that we can build a gold in ground inventory that will potentially enable QX to move into production,” Mr Jackson said.
“The structural correlations with the productive Belyando gold system are encouraging and the multi-data type correlations give the QX team something solid to build on with further exploration on the Ibis anomaly.”
The Ibis soil survey targeted areas of infill within the Zamia Resources soils results from sampling undertaken in 2007 and 2015. Zamia sampled 1mm screened B horizon soils to a 50m by 100m grid around the Anthony molybdenum, and a 200m by 200m grid across the flat between Anthony and the Belyando gold deposit. This was infilled at the Ibis gold prospect by QX to 50m by 50m. Samples were assayed by ALS using 30g fire assay with an ICP AES finish having a 0.001 ppm detection limit.
QX believes that data shows that Ibis has a distinct gold anomaly deriving from an underlying source mineralisation which is genetically and structurally related to the Belyando gold deposit, and that Ibis is a good prospect for further exploration.
Though exploration is in early stages, the data so far are suggestive of either a breccia pipe or stockworks low sulphidation epithermal gold system.
Costeaning for spatial control and RC drilling are in planning for immediate follow up on the Ibis gold Anomaly.