QX Resources Limited (ASX: QXR) has received further positive assays from the 1,512m stage 1 RC drill programme at the Lucky Break Prospect on EPM 14790 (Mazeppa) in the Clermont Gold Project in Queensland.

Lucky Break was mined by East-West Minerals NL from 1987 to 1988 for 90Kt at a head grade of 2.4 g/t Au in oxide only (15 to 20 vertical metres) for 283m of its 560m known strike length.
Stage 1 drilling was targeted based on QX’s wireframe modelling of gold mineralised lodes to investigate strike and depth extension, test mineralisation in areas where historic drilling had incomplete assaying, and probe for infill on mineralisation to support modelling.
The results have shown strong mineralisation extending along strike 70m northeast of the existing pit crest and shallow mineralisation at good grades to the south of the existing pit and in situ at shallow depth bellow the south pit, which appears mainly to have taken mineralised positive topographic features and extended for only around 2.5m vertical depth in areas drilled during this program.
Based on these very encouraging results which include excellent high-grade intercepts, follow up drilling is planned to more thoroughly assess the extensions to the mineralisation encountered along strike from the historical pit. QX already has permits to continue drilling at Lucky Break and plans to secure a rig shortly while it determines locations and the extent of the next phase of drilling.
Non-Executive Director, Roger Jackson, said that in the interim, QX’s technical team is now assessing drill samples from the recent program to test for coarse gold effect (relatively even distribution of coarse grains that can be missed by standard assay techniques, and nugget effect (relatively uneven metal distribution)), initially by screen fire assay repeats.
We are delighted with the results from this phase 1 drill programme and what is most encouraging is that we have encountered robust grades, shallow mineralisation some 70m to the North of the pit,” Mr Jackson said.
“No drilling has even occurred this far north and the down hole intersections were up to 9m. To the south of the pit, we hit some very high-grade zones at shallow depths which coincide with previous high-grade drilling intersections and this also gives us confidence that there is further shallow high-grade potential striking to the south east.
“Clearly, we are very keen to follow up with the next stage of drilling once we confirm a rig and determine the extent of the programme.”
The Mazeppa tenement (EPM 14790) within the Thompson Orogen is dominated by slates, phyllites and schists of the Anakie Metamorphics which unconformably bound the Drummond Basin sequence. The Lucky Break area is one of the few locally where the Anakie Metamorphics are exposed through Tertiary to Quaternary colluvium and flanking Drummond Basin Sequence sediments.