Segue Resources Limited (ASX: SEG) has commenced the second phase of reverse circulation (RC) drilling at the Barlee Gold Project, near Southern Cross in the Eastern Goldfields in WA.
The RC drill programme will include the first significant gold drilling ever undertaken at the T6, T8 and T11 Prospects (Barlee South).
A total of 5,500m will be drilled at these three prospects, where significant gold anomalies have been defined by previous BLEG and soil sampling surveys.
Segue has elected drill an additional 1,500m of infill and step out drilling at the T2 Prospect following the recent successful maiden drilling programme at the T1 and T2 Prospects.
The first pass drilling at T2 was undertaken in two parts. The first part was a 400m x 80m shallow aircore programme. Based on the observations of that drilling and previous work completed in the area, two fence lines of 60m spaced 120m deep RC holes were completed over a mineralised structure.
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The results of the 400m x 80m spaced aircore programme has delineated a 1.2km x 350m mineralised corridor which remains open along strike to the north and south. Eighteendrill holes returned values over 50ppb Au.
The T6, T8 and T11 prospects at Barlee South are all located within the Yerilgee Greenstone belt. The tenements, which were applied for in October 2016, have recently been granted and all approvals are in place to undertake the first significant gold drilling at any of these prospects.