Mapping by Shree Minerals Ltd (ASX:SHH) has identified the old aircore drilling spoil from 10 holes from a Pan Aust Exploration drilling programme in 1998.

Despite the sample piles being eroded and covered by heavy vegetation regrowth over time, sample chips were readily identified and collected for sampling. Importantly, Shree mapping identified three holes containing pegmatite chips.
The identification of pegmatites in historical drill chips confirms the findings of historical drill logs by past explorers that intersected gold mineralisation,” Executive Director, Sanjay Loyalka, said.
“Many of the holes drilled intersected pegmatites but these were not the target of the exploration at the time and hence were not assayed for lithium or lithium pathfinder elements. It has significant implications for additional discoveries within our tenements.
“These implications are even more significant because Liontown’s world class Buldania Lithium Project is only 25 km away. The structural setting at Buldania (adjacent to Zuelika Shear) resembles the same settings within Shree’s tenements, highlighted by major regional structures, as suggested from aerial magnetic images.”
Cultural Heritage Survey
A cultural heritage survey was conducted by members of the Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (NNTAC) over Shree’s exploration tenements between 10th and 17th October as planned in southern part of E63/2046 and E63/2048.
Within the scheduled survey time, survey was completed in E63/2046. Due to lack of 4WD vehicle access tracks, very thick vegetation cover (including burnt regrowth on burn scars at Dundas which is thick and difficult to walk through) and other operational issues and difficulties, which made progress slow, and the remainder of the survey could not be completed. The company will liaise with NNTAC to schedule resumption of the surveying for E63/2048 at first available opportunity.
Next Steps
- Following the approval of the submitted POW, aircore drilling will commence over selected Au, Li and REE targets. Aircore drilling is warranted around and along strike of historical drillholes with recorded pegmatite and gold intervals. Anomalous Au, REE and Li pathfinder geochemistry will then be tested by RC drilling.
- Following completion of the heritage survey in E63/2048 and the approval of the submitted POW, infill Auger drilling to commence over the historical gold geochemical targets within E63/2048. Auger drilling will target a buried carbonate layer that has been a successful sample medium in outlining gold mineralisation in the Dundas Goldfield and elsewhere in WA. Samples will be assayed for Au, Ni, base-metals, REEs and Li pathfinder elements. Anomalous auger geochemistry will then be tested by RC drilling.
- Preparation and discussions with DBCA for finalisation of a second CMP for:
- Next stage of exploration being RC and diamond drilling for areas approved in first
CMP and undergoing Fieldwork in 2022-23.
- Pegmatite intersections identified in northern areas of E63/2046
- Exploration plans for ELA, E63/2136
- Exploration plans for ELA, E63/2227
- Next stage of exploration being RC and diamond drilling for areas approved in first