Australian kaolin producer and silica sand exploration company, Suvo Strategic Minerals Limited (ASX:SUV) has executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with LIXIL AS Sanitary Manufacturing (Tianjin) Co. Ltd., the Chinese legal entity of LIXIL.

LIXIL ASTJ is one of the world’s largest producers of sanitary ware and ceramic products, as well as a large consumer of high-quality refined kaolin for various ceramic products and materials.
Suvo’s refined kaolin sample successfully passed LIXIL ASTJ’s initial testing. Under the MOU, Suvo will work with LIXIL ASTJ to produce tailor-made refined kaolin products according to their technical requirement based on Suvo’s unique kaolin resource.
Executive Chairman, Robert Martin, said the intent of the MOU is that both parties will work together to develop mutually beneficial commercial opportunities and a develop long term supply agreements.
This is a significant milestone in Suvo’s development in becoming a serious and recognised supplier of high-quality hydrous kaolin products globally,” Mr Martin said.
“This MOU is a testament to the quality of Suvo’s kaolin products, and our technical ability to work with world leading industrial companies.
“To work with Tier 1 manufacturers in the global ceramics industry such as LIXIL ASTJ, provides a significant opportunity for Suvo as we continue to fast track our White Cloud kaolin project in Western Australia and modernise and upgrade our hydrous kaolin operations at Pittong in Victoria.
“We look forward to developing a long-term relationship with our MOU partner and working collaboratively with their team to produce tailor-made kaolin products and customised technical solutions which meet their specification on producing high quality ceramic products.”
The 100% owned White Cloud Project is located 215km northeast of Perth, Western Australia. The project area comprises four granted exploration licences (E70/5039, E70/5332, E70/5333, E70/5517) for 413 sq. km , centred around the town and rail siding of Gabbin.
The generally flat area is primarily cleared farming land devoid of native bushland and is currently used for broad-acre cereal cropping. A mining access agreement is in place over the current resource area with the land owner and occupier.
The main rock types at White Cloud are primarily Archaean granite, gneiss, and migmatite. These rocks are overlain and obscured by Tertiary sand and Quaternary sheetwash. The weathering profile is very deep and contains thick kaolin horizons capped by mottled clays or laterite zones.
The current JORC 2012 Mineral Resources are 72.5Mt (Indicated 26.9Mt, 45.6Mt Inferred)
of bright white kaolinised granite with an ISO Brightness of 80.5%, <45% μm yield of 41.2% results in 29.9Mt of contained kaolin.