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Staff Writer

Western Australian-focused gold explorer Torque Metals Limited (ASX: TOR) has commenced a maiden Reverse Circulation (RC) drill programme at Withers Find prospect at the Bullfinch Project area.

The project is located on Archaean greenstone lithologies prospective for gold deposits, massive sulphide nickel-copper deposits, iron ore and lithium.

The Bullfinch Project is highly prospective with recorded historical production, and I am very pleased to announce the next steps in our exploration activities,” CEO, Cristian Moreno, said.

“Torque has reprocessed more than 20 magnetic and gravity surveys over the Bullfinch project, and we have unveiled structures that could host multi-element deposits.

“The Withers Find prospect recorded past production of 1,308 ounces of Gold at 34.4g/t, making it our prime maiden drilling target.”

The Withers Find Prospect contains at least four main, sub parallel lines of auriferous quartz reefs with an overall strike length of approximately 2.5 km.

The stacked quartz veins are found within the remnant lenses of greenstone contained in the foliated biotite gneiss. Sinuous shears (striking approx. 300º) with pegmatite veins intrude the gneiss.

Gold is present in boudinage quartz mineralisation plunging 50º E with EW trending shears and some sub parallel splays. There is little hydrothermal alteration recognised except in the Millennium open pit. The old mines were all developed on rich ore shoots in the quartz reefs above the water-level.

The Torque programme at the Withers Find Prospect is designed to complete up to 1,600m of RC drilling and is the result of extensive compilation and review of historical exploration activity, the reprocessing of magnetics, radiometric, and gravity geophysics, and the collection of geochemical samples with extensive multi-element assays and proprietary machine learning analysis.

The recent, intensive data review carried out by the company has identified several high-quality follow up targets. Exploration of these targets will be scheduled for attention within the current year.

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