Western Yilgarn NL (ASX: WYX) has executed a binding agreement to purchase tenement E 36/1028 (Tenement) in the centre of the Bulga project. This purchase further consolidates the prospective Bulga project area in Western Australia.

First pass 1,600m by 100m Auger geochemistry has already been completed on the Tenement with preliminary portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) being undertaken.
The Phase 2 infill auger geochemistry program is already underway to refine Phase 1 targets further.
This purchase of E 36/1028 provides a very effective consolidation of our leases along the prospective and underexplored geology residing in the Bulga project. Systematic ongoing exploration continues which will generate drill targets to follow,” Chairman, Peter Lewis, said.
“The exploration and consolidation progress being made at Bulga is most impressive. We are looking forward to providing ongoing news flow to shareholders.”
Western Yilgarn’s Bulga Project is located ~50km to the southwest of Agnew on Pinnacles Station. The project comprises three granted contiguous exploration licences (E36/1010, E36/1011, and E36/1025) which cover a combined area of ~154km2. An additional 275 sq. km (E36/1065 and E36/1066) is under application and the Tenement (E36/1028) whicjh provides for a consolidated project area of 477 sq. km.
The Mount Keith and Leinster (Rocky’s Reward) world class nickel mines operated by BHP are located 50 to 100km to the northeast.
Planned Exploration
Processing of the recent Auger Geochemistry on the tenement to be acquired is currently being undertaken along with infill Auger Geochemistry on the Phase 1 targets. In addition, historical drilling over the Tenement is being processed and is expected to be reported shortly.