Western Yilgarn NL (ASX: WYX) has mobilised multiple teams mobilised at the Challa and Bulga Projects in Western Australia to follow up geophysical reviews and desktop studies of a potentially extensive suite of mineralogy.

A number of on-ground activities are underway with soil samples from both projects returning for lab assay and geochemist analyses.
To date 144 samples have been uplifted from Challa Project
Around 50% of the plus 1100 auger holes planned for Bulga have been completed to date. Laboratory assays are to be expedited in January 2023 with Geochemist’s review supplied shortly thereafter to guide the next field campaign.
The Challa Project comprises one granted exploration licence (E58/562) located near the township of Mt Magnet, 475km northeast of Perth. The tenure is approximately 15km west of Atlantic Limited’s Windimurra Vanadium Project and adjacent to Flinders Mines Limited’s Canegrass Vanadium Project. The Company considers the Challa Project to be prospective for Gold (Au) and Vanadium (V)
Geophysical Review
Currently completing a geophysical review which includes the recommendation for WYX to complete IP and reprocess commercially available aeromagnetic data plus historic exploration information.
Soil Sampling
Soil sampling has been completed across the exploration lease in early December. 144 samples have been sent to Perth where they will be pXRF assayed before being sent for laboratory analysis. Results from this soil geochemistry programme will be analysed and reported early in 2023.
Bulga Project
The Bulga Project to the southwest of Leinster is a continuous landholding comprising three granted exploration licences (E36/1010,E36/1011, and E36/1025) covering a combined area of ~160 sq. km. The company considers the Bulga Project to be prospective for Nickel (Ni), Gold (Au), Copper (Cu), and Platinum Group Elements (PGE).
Geophysical Review
Geophysical review has served to confirm the complexity of the geology in the leases. Although Bulga tenements are mapped as granite or gneiss in Government mapping, the open file geophysical data, supported by previous work shows that they contain rafts of potential mafic and ultramafic rocks.
The project is located at a complex structural position on the edge of two major terranes. There is a confirmed ultramafic unit adjacent to one of the major structures and this may be prospective for nickel. In the south, a tortuous reversely polarised magnetic feature may represent a mafic sill, in which case it may be prospective for nickel and copper.
Auger Sampling
Auger sampling is underway across the three Bulga exploration leases and will continue through Christmas into January. Excellent progress has been made thanks to multiple auger units at site. A progress rate of ~100 sample holes per day was achieved. On average, the holes are open for less than 10 minutes before rehabilitation is undertaken. Soil samples taken from around 2 metres deep will be assayed to provide a competent geochemistry- based picture. In turn this will direct the next exploration steps to be taken.
- E 36/1011: 800 x 100 grid for 372 holes
- E 36/1010: 800 x 100 grid for 533 holes
- E 36/1025: 1600 x 100 grid for 229 holes